Hello friends!
5 years ago
Västra Götaland, Sweden

The name's Varuuna and I've been playing Daytona for a VERY long time, but never professionally/competitively.

I recently picked this game (and the rest of the series) up again after talking to some friends about what would be a fun game that I could play and/or stream practically every day without getting bored of it. They thought Daytona USA seemed fitting, so here I am!

While I've only been lurking this leaderboard recently, I've been playing and improving myself over the past 7 days, which much more time to practice to come, so you'll probably see me quite active.

Apologizing for barging in like this only a day after my own run submission (I know it takes time, so no offense to anyone) but I was concerned about the activity of these leaderboards. If we need a new, active, moderator, I'd be willing to volunteer for the position, but only if the current moderators accept.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope I'll see more of you in the future!

Västra Götaland, Sweden

Thank you! Out of curiosity, do you still play as well? I've as of recently been playing and practicing all games in the series.

United States

I would suggest subcategories for different versions of the game. Arcade/PS3/360 and Saturn, so Saturn players don't get completely dusted by Arcade/PS3/360 players. I hope to see this community become more active, this game is so much fun!

Västra Götaland, Sweden

While I'm not particularly against the idea of splitting Arcade vs. Saturn, I'm curious as to what the reason is.

I don't play on Saturn as I don't have one, but is there a significant difference between the versions (I.e framerate) that would prevent Saturn from reaching the same times as the Arcade?

United States

I conducted some tests on the X360 and Saturn version, and it turns out the Saturn version's timer runs slightly slower than it should. I also did some Beginner course runs with MT on both, and despite playing near identically on both, the fastest time I could consistently get on Saturn was a 2:28, whereas the fastest time I could consistently get on X360 was a 2:21. So I think there might be some physics differences. (framerate on Saturn ver. is 20FPS btw)

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Leaderboards update February 11th

Today the board has been updated by sorting Arcade and Saturn runs of the game into seperate sub-categories, as well as removing Dreamcast completely.

Dreamcast was removed due to the game simple just being too different when compared to the Arcade or Saturn versions, and Saturn was seperated fro

2 years ago