My Return
Tennessee, USA

I am coming back, I made a google account for my school iPad I will upload my runs to the drive. I can not wait to get a new record! I have already done some runs again (without stylus cuz it broke) and I’m like, 20 sec behind.

Tennessee, USA

I just got another 2:22 run LMAO


OmG dA rEtUrN :O

Glad to see you back :D

Tennessee, USA

Glad to see you :)

Tennessee, USA

Glad to see you :)


ur goise improvement is toooooo slow

i think u can try to get a sub1:30 in just a month

how long have u played goise a day

Edited by the author 6 months ago
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Upcoming GOISE Tournament

We'll be hosting a GOISE tournament inspired by real-life climbing competitions! It will contain 3 disciplines:

  1. Speed. Separated in 2 sections:

Qualifiers: Everyone gets 3 no-reset runs. The rankings are determined using the best time of the 3. The number of participants that go to eliminations

11 months ago
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