New update - x2 speed
1 year ago
Devon, England

So in the most recent update of this game, they added options for x2 battle speed an x2 game speed. This means all the runs currently on the board can be done in roughly half the time.

I was hoping to submit soon & maybe also do some more of the randomiser stuff too. Just wondered how people felt about it or if I should not bother submitting.


Hi Tricrow, yes, I recently added a colum for builds, show "Old Build" or "1.1.2+".

You can submit your runs with x2 speed battle and x2 game speed (but for some puzzle based on movements, the game speed option x2 can be difficult, I tested a bit and x1.5 seems more fine)

For the moment there no category for "randomizer run" because this not a real speedrun can be comparable witch other randomizer runs.

But only Custom Starter can be a thing if people want to do, why not :)

Happy running!

Tricrow likes this
Devon, England

Yup I cannot deny that the movement puzzles are a decent amount harder on higher speed but I'm certainly getting used to it by now. hopefully I get the time to sitdown & record a run soon.


Does that mean we wouldn't be able to switch the game speed mid-game? seems odd to make categories for specific games speed (if thats the plan)

would a category for 100% achievement also be a thing since an in game achievement tab was added?

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Hi Destri, sorry I'm a bit late for me response...

There are no rules for the speed of the game, so if we want change the speed during the run, we can do it.

And for the 100% achievement, if people does runs I should add it in new categort of the leaderboard, yes, but seems not likely.

If people want and does runs Custom Preset with specifics rules, like Custom Starter or what ever, I can also add it in new category of the leaderboard.

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