Category Request Thread #1
6 years ago
Alabama, USA

4-4 castle is like, really really hard without pressing left

Texas, USA

I suppose no left press can be possible. It would he a grind to get the big Mario clip in 4-4. Idk I'd be interested to see how that would go.

New Hampshire, USA

You can't beat the game without pressing left, here's why:

  1. 4-2 vine climb. You need to turn left to enter the warp zone. I know there's other warp zones but still you need to press left for those.

  2. 4-4. Like what @RoyLT said, 4-4 requires to press left. You can only get that clip once, if you fail you can't get it again.

  3. Picking up powerups. Most powerups aren't possible to collect without pressing left.

  4. 8-4 2nd room. This sums this whole post up but the only way to beat the game (as well as 8-4) is to walljump in room 2. If you miss, you can get again by purposely dying by the paratroopas, but it isn't likely to beat it anyway.

There you go.

Instead of doing walljump you can hit the corner of the block than jump up. And actually, a lot of powerups are be able to be collected without pressing left. Not many for fire flower, But a lot for mushroom.

New Hampshire, USA

So it's only possible to beat the game warpless then.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Also, if minus world ending than level select was allowed, you can get to 8-4 a lot faster.

New Hampshire, USA


Alabama, USA

@Mars02 you dont need to do a 4-2 vine climb, just go through the level like normal

just go for 4-4 clip ik it's hard but just at least try

who said u needed powerups? just roll with the mushroom

for 8-4 2nd room, just dont go for the pipe wall jump, who said this whole thing needed to be optimized?

New Hampshire, USA

Getting the first pixel of the block isn't easy. You need to know where that first pixel is. If you miss, oh well. 4-4 clip is hard but most people are too inconsistent at getting the clip first try. It would just throw away runs. "who said u needed powerups? just roll with the mushroom" - The mushroom is a powerup, that doesn't make sense. 4-2 is when I talked about any%, if anyone wants to do any%. Which would be stupid ik. Overall I really wouldn't recommend it. But it's a great challenge!

1 more thing, you dont even need to play world 4 lol. In 1-2 you can warp to warp 5 and that doesn't require pressing left

NickySteingraber likes this
New Hampshire, USA

It doesn't? I thought you had to press left to clip into the pipe.


To clip into i think you need to press left, but if you have a mushroom you can use the old technic to clip to the warp zone, but if you fail you'll have to reset


I mean the one where you need to crouch-jump


in 8-4 2nd room, is it possible to devilspell the pipe if you fail wj?

Wichita, KS, USA

@WolfAttacK You need to be facing to the left for the clip to work

No you dont, as long as you hit walljump pixel on the top part than your fine. Which can be done facing forward.

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
Ohio, USA

You can acheive 4-2 wrong warp without pressing left

Texas, USA

Try getting into the warpzone pipes without pressing left. Most likely warping to world 5 from 1-2 using big Mario clip would be the best way to do this. If you mess up walljump you would just keep moving right to reset the room over. This is an discussion about whether it's possible. Not so much on how difficult it would be to do.

Alabama, USA

i honestly just want to see a category for this if it's possible

United Kingdom

This actually seems possible, albeit insanely hard, especially the 1-2 clip.

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