Hero Mastery Any%
1 year ago
Ohio, USA

I really want an any % category for hero mastery. Maybe a total and individual parts category. Thoughts?

dripping likes this
California, USA

Any% is already there :)

and by "Total" you mean all heroes? I think it'd be better when there's more heroes available

Ohio, USA

I mean all 3 of the "Mercy" or "Tracer" ones at once. I don't see that option yet

California, USA

@Doster_Gamin we added an "All Courses" subcategory, which means to complete all 3 for whichever hero you choose :)

Light772sandwich likes this

@dripping would the "All Courses" subcategory need to be all in 1 session? Or is it simply your overall with all 3 difficulties?

California, USA

@Sizzyl it's mentioned in the rules, but all in one session, then add up all 3 times :)

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Season 12 Leaderboard Updates

Hey everyone! Here's all the new leaderboard updates for s12:

  • Added Pharah and Zarya to Hero Mastery
  • Added Juno to relevant categories
  • Renamed previous Practice Range categories to All Heroes (Pre-Juno) and Support Only (Pre-Juno)
  • Added new Clash maps Hanaoka and **T
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