Rules for this game?
4 years ago
New Jersey, USA

So what are the rules for this game at the moment? I have it on switch but I do not have a capture card. I can record my TV with my Cell phone, itl be 1080p 30-60 FPS fluctuation, is that okay?

Right now I am just doing Time Trial.

P.S - this will be my first speedrun game that I have ever posted runs in. I used to run Amnesia 2: A Machine For Pigs, when it first came out, then stopped running all together.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Connecticut, USA

sorry for the super late reply, (i don't know how I missed this forum post) but the rules have been updated. Any kind of video proof is ok. if you need any help, join the dedicated bbhd discord

United States

Apologies for the delayed response; I somehow missed this forum post. The rules have been revised, and now, any form of video proof is acceptable. If you want contact with me, please access geometry dash lite


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The current rules for the game allow recording gameplay using a capture card. However, if you don't have one, you can record your TV screen with your cell phone. The resolution might be 1080p with fluctuating FPS between 30-60. This method is acceptable for gameplay recording. 윈조이머니상

Edited by the author 6 months ago

@eggy car As of right now, the game's regulations permit utilizing a capture card to record gameplay. If you don't have one, though, you can use your phone to record the screen of your TV.

Edited by the author 4 months ago

@doodle baseball The Frame Rate discrepancy between PC and console players appears to render the level completion durations unattainable on the latter platform. Is it worthwhile for me to invest my time in this endeavor?

Edited by the author 4 months ago
United States

@basketball stars Good luck with your speedrunning journey! It sounds like you have a great start with Time Trials. If you have more questions or need further tips, feel free to ask!

Edited by the author 2 months ago