Cancerous category idea: Intended route Glitchless
6 years ago
California, USA

Obviously, intended route would be subjective, but I would think that means making use of every part of every room. For example, in chamber 14, you must get the orb into the receiver to bring down the lift, instead of flinging up to it. I don't know why anyone would want to do this, but it would be interesting to see how fast you could beat the game pretty much how you would have done it after your first playthrough.

French Southern Territories

"Obviously, intended route would be subjective, but I would think that means making use of every part of every room. " Not really, there are clearly main routes and alternative routes. "I don't know why anyone would want to do this" Most youtubers that do "casual speedrunning" of this do it in a more or less casual way and say that skips are cheats. Also it's just artificial "intended" because people would ideally optimize it so hard that it would not be "how you would have done it after your first playthrough". Also, do runs before submitting categories ideas on the forum: I am not doing a thread to ask someone to run Portal naked on blood moon and only hitting the keyboard with your penis. (it wasn't a blood moon)

Goodigo likes this

I did this a while ago

Tasmania, Australia

This would actually be fun lol.

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Starting today, runs that require video proof (top 25) and runs beyond that where video is the only form of proof, now require audio, as recording audio for only the game is now a native OBS feature.

2 months ago