Posted 11 months ago by

It's been 3 years since I submitted my Insecticide WR speedrun, and I'm glad to say I've done another one. By a whole 7 minutes no less, I have no idea how I managed to shave off that much time, especially since I died a lot more, but hey!

Glad to somewhat be back in the community.

No new updates on files yet, I've basically given up on getting the files, as I have no idea what I'm doing, but I still appreciate anyone willing to dig through and figuring out how to get the files into a readable format. Thanks for being here.


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Posted 1 year ago by

Hello! Here with an update.

I'm sorry I've been unable to run. I've been trying to figure out how to get higher quality recordings without showing my face. Well much of it anyway.

My focus has also been yoinked by the fact that I still have no way to access character models. I don't have access to the textures, or level designs, which means I feel stuck when it comes to speedrunning the game. The most I can do is implement the Manhole Skip, but I feel as though I can't do much without knowing more skips.

If anyone knows anything, it would be a great help. I am not tech savvy when it comes to pulling apart games...

I need help.

  • Jester
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Posted 2 years ago by

I have found the right software to pull the sprites from the game. However, I was having trouble figuring out how to open the models and textures.

On a whim, I tweeted the producer of Insecticide, and he told me the software he used! I'll be getting my hands on them soon, I hope this is the key I need to finally get everything.

This should hopefully help in figuring out many things. If anyone has any idea how to do ACE execution in DS to find awful collision, PLEASE, you are welcome here with open arms.

I also found an interview from 2018 from Insecticide with some unused old Chrys designs. Will be posted at the bottom.

I will get there.

  • Jester

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Posted 2 years ago by

So I've been messing around with Insecticide, since someone in a server I'm in decided to show me them attempting to play it on emulator. I'm slowly figuring out how the enemy spawns work in this game. In Downtown Showdown, you can skip 4 encounters, and go straight to the 3 in the back, before you spawn the spider crane.

I'll have a video [recorded on an emulator] of the skip, but for now I'll describe it the best I can. In the level, you have to fire Histamines into the manholes that spawn on the ground [directly, but from a safe distance] in order for the manhole to stop infinitely spawning robobugs. However, in my speedrun video, I managed to skip 2 somehow, and I figured out how.

Spawn locations. On the level design, there are areas where Chrys can walk that spawns the enemy. They can be far away, or close. I somehow managed to put Chrys in an odd spot, to where the game tried to spawn the 2nd set of manholes, but ultimately failed because Chrys' point was more towards the spawn point of the 3rd set, the final set.

In the level, I decided to test this theory with the first manhole. It took a few tries, but with a good shot, I managed to move Chrys back far enough to skip the last two triggers for the manholes, and skipped to the trigger that spawned the last 3 towards the truck. I did it twice, and it is indeed repeatable. If this can somehow be used in Great Expectorations, or in part 2 of Revelation #9, then that could open up a lot of neat things. I don't have anyway to view the in game images through a text/hexa editor, but I'm looking for one, where it shows the images and files.

I'm finally getting somewhere. Video will be posted soon.

  • Jester

First 30-ish seconds have the skip, but I posted a full video of the level, despite dying in it. Skip:

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Posted 2 years ago by

Yeah somehow I forgot this when making the initial page? I don't know how, but I made it in a hurry. The rules are subject to change, if I [or someone] can find a better method for timing, to account for the cutscenes inbetween some levels, making level starting later than others, therefore showing their starting level card later than others.

Should be fine though.

  • Jester
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Posted 2 years ago by

Decided to add a couple threads, just to maybe get things kicking. You can read more about them in their respectable spots. Hoping this'll bring some new people along, or at least pique some interest!

I'm trying to bring a little more "life" to this, instead of leaving it so barren. It's been a couple years, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but the threads are there if you need them! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

  • Jester
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Posted 2 years ago by

I know I haven't posted a run in a while, but I'm trying to work on getting a better camera so I can give better runs. I might try an emulator run since I have the cart [as you can see], and got my hands on a 2DSXL, and installed CFW. I encourage emulator runs, as there might be glitches to be found, and new "Item Level" strats to be found. There might also be advantages over original hardware with emulation.

However you want to run, do it. Just make sure I can actively see the screen. Just know I have no strats, no exploits, or glitches that I know of, so if you find any, PLEASE let me know, so I can share. It'll be beneficial to help bring in an audience familiar with Insecticide. I guarantee there are some breaks within this game, just waiting to be found.

In "Downtown Showdown", I found a glitch that skipped some enemies. I had no idea if they game would soft lock or not because this had never happened. I wasn't playing the game before, as me turning on my 2DS was me sitting down and doing it for the first time of the day. No runs were done beforehand.

"Downtown Showdown" is a scripted level, meaning you have to defeat mandatory enemies in order to progress. The possibilities of finding out HOW the spawn triggers work on enemies could possibly help with "Great Expectorations." Not many levels are scripted this way, and if they are, I don't remember them off the top my head.

I hope to one day see this community take off, and to be the best it can be.

  • Jester
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It's been 3 years...jeez.

It's been 3 years since I submitted my Insecticide WR speedrun, and I'm glad to say I've done another one. By a whole 7 minutes no less, I have no idea how I managed to shave off that much time, especially since I died a lot more, but hey!

Glad to somewhat be back in the community.

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11 months ago
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Posted 2 years ago