Playing on the same seed. (win8/10)
4 years ago

In the last few days i have learned that there is a way to play on the same seed of the game. And that's NOT changing the windows time. I'm not sure how this works yet and i would like to hear from community. For now i'm not gonna verify runs with that "glitch" until i fully understand how it works. If someone could explain it to me here i would be thankfoul ~kiraa96 (edit) Runs with that will be verified just with strictier guidelines.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
grnts, Naifosk and 2 others like this
United States

Hello all,

I found this "glitch" messing around with some files. Here's basically the steps I used:

  1. Find a klondike.sgi save file with a seed you like and make sure the game is closed
  2. Navigate to filepath C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Packages \Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_8wekyb3d8bbwe \LocalState\savegame\USER_ID_NUMBER\gameprogress
  3. Replace the klondike.sgi file in the folder with the preferred seed
  4. Open the game up and your saved seed should be loaded, play through it
  5. When you want to reset, simply close the game, replace the save file, and restart

As far as I can tell any file from any computer should be able to be played, but there isnt much testing on that

Finally, I have access to the current WR seed and would be willing to share the file if that's what the community wants

Edited by the author 4 years ago
grnts, Caerus_ and 4 others like this
Michigan, USA

The category is 8/10. This "glitch" as far as we know only works/can only be don't on Microsoft Solitaire Collection for Windows 10. In my opinion, runs using this should be left unverified until something similar is found on Windows 8 as to not give an unfair advantage to those running on Windows 10.

Naifosk and kiraa96 like this
Michigan, USA

Another method that could be implemented to make the leaderboards more fair would be a seperation of Random Seed runs and Set Seed runs for 8/10.

grnts, Xedys and 3 others like this
Tennessee, USA

So all runs using the same seed will not be verified? Or will a new category be added for set seed runs? Would make the most sense to split them up, kind of like Minecraft speedruns do it.

Michigan, USA

Right now we aren't planning to split them and set pattern runs will be verified but with stricter guidelines. They have to show their reset to better show that they aren't scripting or anything.

kiraa96 likes this

I personally think it makes no sense to have them together. It takes away the experience of grinding for a better time knowing that no game I play can get to the speed of knowing the winning moves. Right now if you aim for world record you cannot play random seed anymore, which for me is what makes speedrunning the game fun in the first place.

grnts, FaiienWings and 3 others like this

So you are saying that if somebody finds something that is faster, but is harder to do it shloud be changed? I personally think it shloud be left as it is since taking out RNG is great since you don't have to sit hours grinding just to get 1 run on WR pace that you can easily make mistakes in. Here you have already seed that you can practice with no worry that something you won't expect will happen. Also you still can go for WR on random seed if you wish but expect a huuuge grind ;) ~kiraa96

Tennessee, USA

I think that they should just be separated out into different categories. It makes the most sense, so those who wish to play with RNG are in one category and those who wish to play without it are in a separate category. It does give a clear advantage if you know what cards you're going to get than relying entirely on RNG. And for those who wish to keep playing on RNG runs then it leaves them at a disatvantge.

grnts, FaiienWings and 3 others like this
St. Louis, MO, USA

I agree with Galaxy, some of the fun in my week of grinding for my old wr was the random luck of finally getting a good run and keeping your nerves together to not choke.


It might be coming a bit late, but personally I don't like this "trick" at all. You manipulate files in the game directory instead of doing anything in the game itself, so I don't think it should even be considered a valid technique. Also there doesn't seem to be the issue that exists with time-based RNG like in Solitaire XP, where there are plenty of ways to pass off a known practiced run as a random run. Simply requiring the last reset to be shown should be enough to ensure fairness (besides Cheat Engine maybe).

grnts, Yeventry and 3 others like this
Tennessee, USA

Well hopefully it can just be split into two categories and we can be done with it. I hate to see all this drama over something the Minecraft speedrunning community has figured out ages ago.

Michigan, USA

I agree with Saradoc that I don't like this "trick" either. However, we can't ban it nor can we separate the category between Set and Random for a couple of reasons. People can use this trick for Random Pattern runs since you can theoretically reset several times over to get a pattern. People can use this trick and break the record for Random Pattern runs claiming that they reset normally and got the pattern. We also cannot ban the trick for the exact same reason. The current state of things allows us to see that what they are doing isn't using scripts to move the cards but just the results of practice.

Michigan, USA

I suppose there is a solution if a decision is made to split the category based on Pattern method. Theoretically, random patterns could deal a new deck twice (like this: ) to show that they aren't using a set pattern.

Tennessee, USA

Ok, holy crap this isn't rocket science. I'm not saying that we ban the use of this "trick". What I'm bloody saying is that we just split them into separate categories. Why is that so hard to do? Let me try and explain my reasoning the simplest way I can. Say someone wants to play a game od solitaire with a randomly shuffled deck that is completely random and no "tricks" gone into it to affect the outcome. Would it not then make it unfair to then pit them against someone who had rigged their deck so that they can solve their game in 11 seconds? It totally makes it unfair. What about the person who wants to play normally? Are they stuck in an environment where they HAVE to rig their deck if they want to keep up? No, that's completely ridiculous. It's like comparing apples to bloody oranges. Please stop trying to defend this utterly confusing decision to have set decks and random decks in the same category. It ruins the fun for those of us to choose to run random decks. Seriously, how can this be so hard to understand?

Michigan, USA

It's not hard to understand. The issue is that without certain rules being set in place people can abuse the fact that there are relatively few seeds in Easy mode and people can claim they reset to get their deck, meaning set deck runs would top random and there wouldn't be any way to prove they set it. I'm giving ideas to help your argument be accepted. I wasn't defending the decision, I was showing you why it's hard to make a decision. This is a new issue that needs a complex system to prove people are/aren't cheating the leaderboard.

Plus it's just a game and a category that was made as a joke. Be patient.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Naifosk, Yomismo28, and kiraa96 like this

GalaxyStar I also want them separated but there is absolutely no need to get mad. We can talk this out peacefully.

About the reset twice idea, it's something that I wouldn't care doing if necessary, it takes almost no extra time to reset twice.

And about resetting over and over again to get the specific deal, I doubt it happens often. I still don't recall having that deja vu of playing the same deal again. However, seeing that you are a way higher level than me it might be that I haven't played enough for that to happen. And if that were the case it would take a loooong time before getting it.

Yeventry and kiraa96 like this
Michigan, USA

Yomismo28 The current WR seed was found by resetting several times if I am correct. The top runners have all said if they need to they'll keep resetting to get a certain deck.

ZeToS likes this

It would be nice if there was a clone program for Solitaire like there is for Minesweeper.

Naifosk and kiraa96 like this

Yeah, beacuse then there wouldn't be situations like theese.