New Category Idea
5 years ago

Hey, I posted this first over in the regular RBY forums, but it would definitely be an extended category so here it is:

TM/HM% Basically, the goal is to collect all 50 TMs and all 5 HMs (even Flash!)

Optional rule may be, that you have to actually have all of the TMs at the end in the computer and/or inventory, meaning you cannot use or sell TMs that only appear once in the game, and no duping either. TMs you can buy, for instance, you could use because you could just buy a 2nd one for the collection

The point is to make the runner go into some uncommon areas of the game and do a handful of the sidequests.

If anything, it might be a fun little challenge or break from a typical run.

Speedrunner0218 likes this
United States

Typically mods have no issues adding runs but before they create the category they want a completed run with a video. That way we dont have a bunch of empty categories on the boards.

Be interesting in the fact also because you literally have to go to all areas of the game and even go to places after beating the E4. Get to see legendary birds and mewtwo in the route maybe haha.

Speedrunner0218 likes this
Idaho, USA

I think this is nice. You should do it.