100% Route
100% Route
Updated 7 years ago by PurpleSun


  • All Witches & Wizards Cards
  • 500 beans for Flipendo Duo room
  • All loading screens (all story parts and all but two secrets; it's an odd requirement, but the game states it)


  • Puffskein card - Go to the 3 bushes nearest to the Puffskein, and then to the 3 up the hill from there - while it's eating its 5th bush, grab the other 4 beans.
  • Gnome-throwing - Where you want to throw: 1st throw - Beehive 2nd & 3rd throw - Pond or Car 4th throw - A mid-range throw should do. 5th throw - Back-up throw; if you have over 800, just waste it like in Any%

Walking through the Burrow:

  • At the start, get a lawnmower bean and an open one right by it
  • Get a lawnmower on the hedge after washing machine, and in the area with a boulder and two lawnmowers, get 10 of the beans that drop (should have 17 when you leave that area)
  • Get more lawnmowers. After knocking down the tree, go left for a card and 4 beans
  • Stand right by the Puffskein when hitting it. Should have 25 beans at the end of this

The Floo Slide - Should have at least 85 beans at the end of this

Flying Car:

  • For the first half, when in the second tunnel, nearing track lights above a speedboost, move to the right to avoid going down the slower path.

  • For the second half, at the end of the first outside section, move right to avoid going down the slower path.

  • Going into the third tunnel, it doesn't matter whether you go left or right in the first split path of that tunnel, as long as you move towards the right going to the next split path, as this is where a card is. To get the card, stay on the right on the first corner (after getting a speedboost).

  • To first-cycle Willow, use a Fully-Charged Flipendo 5 times in quick succession

Going to Gryffindor Common Room:

  • To Colin skip, go onto the bookcase, hold L2 until the camera gets stuck, then hold up-right then up on the stair banister (move around a little to avoid going too far left) and onto the ledge banister, and drop in front of the hole. This gets 3 beans that are worth it.
  • When going to the Rear Hall from the Entrance Hall, secret room is a bookcase under a painting right ahead of you. Get all the bean boxes here. Should have at least 147 beans at the end.


  • After talking to Nick, go around the right-hand bookcase and get the box of beans.
  • Secret room is a bookcase behind the bookcase on your left when talking to Nick. This itself has another secret bookcase - after the first couple of boxes, the secret is behind the large bookcases.
  • You don't need to go to the secret bookcase near Hermione.
  • Should have at least 187 beans when leaving the Library.

To Herbology:

  • Secret room w/ card is a strange wall dead ahead - you'll know when you see it. Setup for this:

  • -mash square as soon as you enter to skip the cutscene otherwise it will mess up the camera

  • -hold up until you hit the stairs then release all inputs

  • -3 pause buffer to the right then release all inputs then unpause and quickly pause again

  • -1 pause buffer to the left then release all input then unpause and cast (don't take too long on the cast otherwise the camera will move

  • If you fail any part, reenter and to center the camera hold both triggers

  • Herbology race - Beat record. 202 beans.

  • Incendio Duo - Think of Perfect as 2, Okay as 1, Fail as 0. You can only lose 7 points from the maximum (equal to 7 Okays, or 3 Fails and 1 Okay) across all three rounds. For clarity, 91% for two rounds and 87% for another would make it.

  • Lesson Practice - Collect only 3 Mandrakes like for Any%

To Quidditch Practice:

  • Instead of going back to the hole in the wall, go straight on, through the passage at the hedges through to Hagrid's Hut.
  • Secret room is further on after the snails. Go to the right-hand wall. Football Challenge room is a secret wall at the end of the area. Exit after entering that challenge. At least 220 beans when leaving the secrets.
  • Go to door next to the secret walls to go to the Quidditch Pitch. Secret room is a wall to the right, you cannot go here when going to play Slytherin in Quidditch, because it's frozen shut. Kill two 'eggplants' and get one box. At least 232 beans by now.
  • You don't need to go to Neville's secret. Quidditch Training - you don't need gold wings so just press "yes" when the game asks you if you want to exit

Ron Chase - Get a lot of beans from this. Should have at least 270

  • Before going to Upper Castle, quickly go to the secret bookcase and do this skip to skip needing Verdimillious: (NOTE: this is outdated and you want to do this room on the way to lockhart's office after chamber)
  • After getting the card, drop down to the narrow ledge with the beans. This is good damage since you'll be death-warping later. Should have at least 290 beans

Dark Arts race - Beat record, and in the third room, get 4 of the 5 beans in the corner. Petrificus Totalus - Same rules apply from Incendio Duo. Death Warp can still be done here; there are no loading screens in the pixie rooms. Should have at least 295 beans


  • Don't bother with beans down the staircases in Lower Hogwarts; they're slow to get.
  • You can do Deathday Skip here. After the first jump, get the group of 9 beans. At least 303 beans

Boomslang Gnome-throwing 1st throw - Bird table 2nd throw - Scarecrow 3rd 4th and 5th throws - Barrel If Barrel 3rd throw, do a long normal throw for the 4th, then waste the 5th. If on the 4th, do a long normal throw for the 5th.

To Duel:

  • After talking to Ron outside Girl's Bathroom, secret room is right next to you. At least 314 beans
  • After the corridor with that guy that blocks you, go to the door ahead (Knights' Room) Go around the pillar for 6 beans. In the next room, get the 4 beans along the knight statues, and then go to the secret bookcase. At least 354 beans when exiting.
  • Leaving the secret, go right, continuing through Knights' Room and then go across the balcony to where Dumbledore's office is, and enter the bookcase. No cards here, exit after entering.
  • Leaving that secret, drop down and go back to the staircase before Knights' Room. Go onto the right-hand banister and drop down to secret bookcase. Get the bean box, a couple of extra beans, and the card here. At least 373 beans when exiting.

Goyle Chase - Get a lot of beans from this, including taking the two split paths for 8 beans (4 each) At least 420 beans after this

Verdimillious - Same rules apply as previous spell-learning. This gets you a card.

  • Get the 6 beans near the knights in the Challenge.

Cupid Chase - Get all the beans you can from this. At least 465 beans after this


  • After the area with first Verdimillious bridge, go left, Verdimillious a secret wall and enter it for a card.
  • Get the 8 beans after Aragog. At least 476 beans after this

Flipendo Duo:

  • Go to Lockhart's Office. Secret bookcase near his door (Verdimillious is required for this, which is why we do it now).
  • Get your remaining beans in this secret (there are 25. If you are low, go to Front Hall, door on the far left is the Great Hall. A handful of beans there). 500 beans, 15 cards
  • Exiting the secret, go back-left to go to Front Hall, then the door on the right-hand side, next to Lower Hogwarts opening saying 'Out of Bounds', is Flipendo Duo room. You do not need to collect Flipendo Duo but you do need to enter the room, skipping flipendo duo was theorized to be a little bit faster but barely saves any time so feel free to collect it

House Duels:

  • Go to Common Room, trigger Ron, grab the Gryffindor card, buy 5 cards from Fred & George (21 cards)
  • Open statue pathway, do House Duels left, middle, right
  • Go down other passageway, Flipendo block of platforms, go to Artbook room, exit after entering.
  • When back in the Common Room, go to Colin's photo album (for loading screen) and then walk between the chairs to skip Colin.

Now just do everything as you would in Any% - Go to Lockhart's office, go through Chamber, timing ends on last hit of Basilisk.

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