Tool: Half-Life 2 HL1 Movement fun% with config, saves and splits
Half-Life 2 HL1 Movement fun% with config, saves and splits
Updated 4 years ago by yandi505

Here is a package with all saves and binds that needs to training your skill and config (autoexec.cfg) with all binds that you needs And LiveSplit inside with Splits Read insruction!!

Сборка с конфигом, в котором есть всё необходимое для спидрана и так же сейвы, которые нужны для тренировки твоего скилла + ЛайвСплит со сплитами Русская инструкция есть!

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04.03.2023 Rule updates

Hello gamers, we would like to inform you about a couple of changes in the rules, including a major change in the timing.

Old SourceSplit by Fatalis has a weird timing issue with loadings, which cuts a few seconds from a fullgame run. It was fixed by 2838. From today it is necessary to use the ne

1 year ago