HOH fresh start b101 speedrun guide - Arena Strategy
HOH fresh start b101 speedrun guide - Arena Strategy
Updated 4 years ago by AJL828

REQUIREMENTS: Pyramid of Prophecy + Witch Hunter DLC (since you’ll be using the arena and playing as the Witch Hunter)

So it turns out that the arena is a very effective early game farming tool as it frequently gives high tier items that can help with damage, crowd control, and survival. Remember to kite enemies around the edges, grab items and boons when you can, and keep an eye out for literally anything that can hurt you (as you are playing the arena in a much more vulnerable state than is usually intended).

Witch Hunter is my personal character of choice for this challenge for a few reasons

  1. You start with him immediately (this is very important)
  2. He has decently long range and a strong primary (also quite important)
  3. He is better against bosses than ranger as he can maintain his attack and movement speed while shooting and moving at the same time, whereas ranger is slowed down and shoots slower too. (This may be more of personal preference, if you find yourself struggling with WH, try out ranger instead)

Below is a very general description of the few runs you’ll be doing.

first run: get to lvl 2, get 5 ore, get potion, suicide at town: buy crossbow rank 2, blacksmith, and either 1 weapon + 1 armor or 2 weapon (depends on how much gold you found) second run: arena town: buy town hall 2 and blacksmith 2, also max blacksmith 1 third run: arena town: get guild hall 2 and fountain 1, buy crossbow 3 and passive 1 rank 1 or 2 fourth run: arena town: get ore trader, apothecary, buy an extra potion charge and more potion healing, cash in excess ore for gold and get all shop items and as many keys as you can fifth and final run: go in guns blazing and hope for good RNG

Keep in mind this run has a sizeable element of luck involved, so results may vary based on your item drops or level arrangements. Always have a backup plan if things don’t quite go your way. Also, I doubt this is the only viable way of approaching this, so feel free to explore other possibilities too!

EDIT: Ok so now that I’ve gotten a much faster time, I feel like I should add that if you’re willing to roll the dice a little more, you can skip doing the arena for a third time, this means you’re a lot less likely to get guild hall or blacksmith 2 but that’s ok just make sure you have the fountain cause that saves a lot of time, your damage output is really just up to whatever items you happen to get. Also be sure to grab combo in your final run as the extra speed really helps out and if you get a bunch of spheres the nova projectiles really help with midgame crowd control

Other tricks (courtesy of Slaith):

  • you can skip having to run up to the ore trader on floor 1 and grab him and the apothecary on floor 2
  • you can bind a key to kill you, thus giving you an efficient way of dying after the first run or to change arena layouts
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