Requesting new category, Gyromite - Game B R.O.B. the Robot%
4 years ago
Indiana, USA

Hey mods! I would like to request a new category entitled "Gyromite - Game B R.O.B. the Robot%"

The rules would be as follows:

  1. Timing starts when you press start on Game B
  2. Timing ends when the end of level music starts after completing Phase 25.
  3. Controller 2 is to be controlled only by R.O.B. the Robot.
  4. R.O.B. must start in his reset position (facing forward, highest vertical position, and arms open).
  5. R.O.B. is not to be touched by the runner.
  6. The game may not be paused while R.O.B. is moving.
  7. Everdirve or PowerPak may be used.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the rules. I have a run ready to submit assuming the category is approved.

starcrytas likes this
Indiana, USA

Thanks I appreciate it! Just submitted the run I look forward to working on this time.

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