Tool: Give Up Robot 2 Quality Of Life Fixes
Updated Jimm560
by A simple tool that quickly restarts your run.
While you're in the game menu, you can:
- Use 'Escape' to enter Fullscreen
- Use 'Spacebar' to start a new game
- Use 'Enter' to continue your game
While you're in a game, you can:
- Use 'R' to quickly restart
The program works by changing your mouse's position, and the default resolution is 1920x1080. If you have a different resolution, you can modify Properties.txt to change the cursor positions and fit your resolution.
Also, when launching the program it will automatically launch GiveUpRobot2 for you (as long as you configure the file location in Properties.txt)
NOTE: This only works on windows.
I've also included the icon and source code, if you want to modify it (and know how to use Python) The only thing you really need though is the exe file and the Properties.txt file. The rest can be deleted.
Recent runs
Level: Normal 61
Level: Normal 27
Level: Normal 21