GT4 cheats
1 year ago
  • 10.000.000 Credits (GT Mode Screen): Select, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down, L1, R1, SELECT
  • Passing any license (License Selection Screen): Select, R1, Select, R1, Select, L2, L2, R2, R2, L1, Select, L1, Select
  • Golding any specific license test (License Test Selection Screen): Select, Select, R1, R2, L2, L2, Select, L1, R1, Select, R2, L1, Select
  • Golding any event (Event Course Selection Screen): Select, L1, Up, Up, Select, R1, Down, Down, Select, L2, Select, R2, Select

ViperUK and de_oScar like this
New South Wales, Australia

7 hour 100% run now

New WR??


truth be told, I was never going to 100% this game. the endurance races were... yeah.

correct me if I'm wrong (either morally or factually, I'm open for discussion), but this should be huge for time trials. we don't have to go through Nurburgring 24h to run the F1 car anymore.

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Emulation is (finally) allowed!

Hello everyone,

As you may have noticed the moderation team has changed the past few months and since then it was among our goals to implement an emulation board for this game.

For full game runs, emulator will be separated from hardware runs as its loading times differ from console, however Indiv

3 months ago
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