vase wont do the funny
5 months ago
Minnesota, USA

this is what im talking about at 3:18

Zanum, EPGPlayz, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

This method is really old, though. If you want the more "updated" version just click on any of the first three records. As of the skip thingy, you just have to stay in the right-upmost corner and look towards the left slightly, then drop the vase, uncrouch, dodge some of the walls in your way and stand in the edge of the sewer floor.

Zanum and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this

icingvr, its probably because u have the newest granny version. Theres a tutorial to download an older version of the game to manage to do the glitches.

Zanum and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Somerset, England

@icingvr (@Devill's ping didn't work)

Theres a tutorial to download an older version of the game to manage to do the glitches

Where the guide's here:

Edited by the author 5 months ago
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