Petition to require the cape rooms in All Exits runs
10 months ago
Alberta, Canada

I figure it’s best to suggest this before runs become too optimized. I think it sucks that the cape rooms aren’t required for all exits, and we should require them in runs. Cape is cool :)

There is precedent for this kind of rule in kaizo, such as in Baby Kaizo Kindergarten% runners can’t use the skip doors. K thx bye

marksands likes this
New Jersey, USA

I agree!!!!!!!!!!

United States

Agree! It's like one of the best sections in the game!

Florida, USA

I like cape and I think the cape sections are quite good in GPW3, so I'm down to require them :)


Petition to change the category to 100%, because the cape room has no bearing on "all exits"

United States

If we apply this logic to the entire game shouldn't hard mode in Tower of Fate also be required? The cape rooms aren't their own unique exits, it seems inconsistent to include them in an "all exits" category.

AWalrusInHeat likes this
Wisconsin, USA

If you guys wanna slow down your runs by 3 minutes, be my guest, I'm not doin' the cape rooms if it's literally the prize for doing all exits that you get to skip them.


Strictly speaking on the speedrun sense, Laser is right. That said, I will let you guys to reach a consensus and decide about cape rooms requirement, and I will change the rules afterwards. The competition is still very premature, we are in time to think and decide on this.

About renaming All Exits to 100%, it doesn't make sense because 100% would imply finding everything, secrets and whatever it's hidden, and I don't think runners want to go for that (reason because GPW2 portrait% doesn't exist), but again, the community decides.


Btw, I've set up a discord server to discuss about the rules and stuff for GPW3, like, community wise. Here's the invite if you wanna join:

Alberta, Canada

Yeah I’m fine either way. Obviously my preference is to have the cape rooms, but I get where Laser is coming from and I don’t want a big fight. Just wanted to put the suggestion out there before runs were optimized.

New Jersey, USA

I’m with Alex that we definitely are early on with this, and we definitely want to make these categories based on the needs of the community that wants to run the game.

One suggestion I would have is to run this like I do on my Super Sonic Saves the World leaderboard where I have two categories related to Daddy’s Castle. One where using L+R to skip it is allowed, and one where skipping it is not allowed.

I believe 100% would imply including Hard Mode being there is an unlockable involved for completing it. I’m game with All Exits staying as is, and then also adding a category called Cape% or whatever that would be All Exits where cape can’t be skipped. That way we could make both sides happy.

Wolfguy423 likes this
New Jersey, USA

Actually for the change to make sense, I would just have to change the name and rules of the current category, then add a new one for skipping cape being both current runs in the category did the cape rooms. If there are no issues with this change, I can make it tonight.

United States

we can do that, we just need to decide if it's worth splitting up the runs. I know there's a preference difference, but would we want a board with like 5 people on 1 board and 6 people on the other?

New Jersey, USA

I think splitting the runs is the only way to solve this and make everyone happy. With most of the suggestions coming here from podium holders among categories in the trilogy, I feel you have all especially earned that right to have extra say on how this board will be constructed and run.

If it was me running this hack, I would be super excited if there was a category that skips the cape rooms cause I just flat out suck with cape right now. I eventually get the clear, but in a speed run I would lose an insane amount of time in the cape rooms which would suck for me as a runner especially if I had a great run up to that point. This is at the end of the run too. Maybe there are others like me that would benefit from not having to do these rooms not just because of a skipping rooms is faster aspect, but they may not have that skill set mastered either.

I do feel I at least need to make an immediate change to the existing category to protect the hard work Ben and Grim have already put in to not allow anyone to come in with a run that skips cape and bears their times. That’s not fair to them.

Edited by the author 10 months ago
New Jersey, USA

The rules for the existing category have been changed to the following:

Time starts on empty file select. Time ends the frame the screen begins to fade to black after defeating Bowser: The Forsaken Turtle.

  • All 41 exits must be cleared.

  • Hard Mode in Tower of Fate is not required.

  • The Cape Rooms in the level So Long are required, and cannot be skipped with the door after the Nexus Bridge.

I also changed the name to All Exits + Cape and made a category called All Exits with the same rules except that the cape rooms can be skipped. This can always be changed with more discussion here or on the Discord Alex made, but like I said I at least wanted to immediately protect the runs that Ben and Grim have already submitted in the category.

New Jersey, USA

I was made aware that Barb does not want cape to be required for All Exits. I created this board for the sole purpose, especially when he said he wouldn’t be making a board, to give the community a board that he would approve of as if it were his own so the community could still run the game, and he could spend time with his family. I have reverted the rules to All Exits to basically what they were.

Time starts on empty file select. Time ends the frame the screen begins to fade to black after defeating Bowser: The Forsaken Turtle.

  • All 41 exits must be cleared.

  • Hard Mode in Tower of Fate is not required.

  • The Cape Rooms in the level So Long are not required, and can be skipped with the door after the Nexus Bridge.

Superben1755 likes this
United States

Late to the party.

+1 on skipping cape rooms in All Exits - even though it's already been decided. You get to play them in any%!

Retr0_Dave likes this
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