Check point reloads to skip cutscene
3 years ago
United States

Is it legal to skip the branches of the world tree cut scenes (loading) dialog via a checkpoint reset? Isn’t this skipping a cutscene by reloading a save? Checkpoints are just auto saves after all. I ask because I thought this was against the rules but I’m seeing it in videos posted for peoples runs including the WR. This saves a number of minutes over a run, so if it is legal all cool, however it seems like the rule for skipping cutscenes is for this exact thing.


Cutscenes are now skippable, that rule doesn’t even make sense anymore and cutscenes are not the same as dialogs.

United States

Some cutscenes are skippable but not all for whatever reason. And I asked about specific dialog scene that is more of a classic cut scene and it’s really just a loading screen in disguise if that is allowed or not. Unclear rules don’t help. I can cut like 5-10 minutes of those dialog scenes out if this is allowed, I assumed it wasn’t. Hence why I’m asking for clarification.


The rule to prevent skipping cutscenes is very old indeed, from before the patch that added the ability to skip cutscenes. It is essentially obsolete now. We will look into rewriting the rules sometime in the future.

Using restart checkpoint to accelerate the portal sections is valid. By the way, it doesn't really gain that much time, probably just 1-2 minutes over a full run.

taidashar likes this
United States

I knew it was mostly obsolete at this point, just want to know what I can and can’t do in a run.

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Recently with the arrival of PC, we have managed to have an AutoSplitter and LoadRemover made by the community, but console runners would still have problems. So it is mandatory from now on to always have a timer present on the screen since any run that does not have a timer will be rejected withou

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