9 months ago
Norfolk, England

hey @everyone, hope youre all gooood.

so @Wedgiroth and myself have been talking about arranging a little tournament/mini league competition. just putting the feelers out right now to see how many are interested and when people could be available .

the structure we have come up with so far would be a mini league with people earning points for positions in a singular races, across all 3 game modes (beginner / arcade / duel) using all 3 characters. we would all race the same category and character at the same time, fastest is first and so on. we also plan to host the race with commentary on twitch. the competition should only last about 1hr 30mins when taken average times into account.

we think this would be a great chance for people to try out new categories and hopefully bring some of the old runners back to the boards.

if this sounds like something you would be interested in feel free to message here or drop me a DM

beadle111 and Wedgiroth like this
United Kingdom

So i would run arcade with all 3 characters, then beginner all 3 then duel all 3 and the points are decided that way?

Wedgiroth and zSoloSz like this
Norfolk, England

yes exactly that, but we would all run the same cat and character at the same time :)

Wedgiroth likes this
United Kingdom

Sounds fun! I'm up for it.

Shamell244, zSoloSz, and Wedgiroth like this
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