Potential new skip in The Forbidden Zone?
1 year ago
New York, USA

At around 1:45 in the the any% in-bounds world record run for The Forbidden Zone, Cindorian grapples up, takes out one turret, and then drops down to destroy the turret guarding the door to leave the room. But right now I'm trying to do a least kills run, and after some brute forcing, I found that you could actually sneak past the turret blocking the door by just dashing twice around the corner and out of its view. This avoids having to grapple up and go out of your way to kill two enemies and I'd imagine would save at least a few seconds. With some more optimization in the rest of the level, maybe it could even break 1:30. Did I just discover a new skip, or is it just not reliable enough to try in a speedrun? I don't speedrun the game and it only took me like 2 minutes of trying to pull it off so I can't imagine it would be that unreliable.

New York, USA
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New York, USA

here's a clip of me doing it