How to realy actually go fast if you have 2 keyboards to use - stupidly easier and... faster?
How to realy actually go fast if you have 2 keyboards to use - stupidly easier and... faster?
Updated 2 years ago by KilleDragon

long story short: pressionate one of the 2 directional arrows in 1 of the keyboard, and the other one in the other keyboard doesnt matter when you start pressing them in the whole game, it will kinda fastly start to do a straight line if you mantain both before the game starts, or even before hitting restart, it will start the game going in the perfect straight line

so, i just got WR by 0,4 seconds against the "perfect run", which was tied by 3 players suddenly happened without me specting it at all, and so i think the new strat i discovered of doing it stupidly easier and seemingly faster too than the original strat posted by PullMatrox 11 months ago basicaly, use 2 keyboards for the 2 arrow inputs

casual video i made lol


normaly, when hitting the opposite directional arrow while mantaining the 1st arrow, it just starts going the new directional; the game detects it and cancels the first directional you where pressing well, with 2 keyboards, it works quite curious: my explanation to this could be that, if you are pressing a key in the keyboard 1 and just start pressing another one in the keyboard 2, the game is not going to detect that you are inputing the opposite directional with the same keys and feel the need of blocking you the first key; each keyboard can make his input over the game individualy without collisioning the input of one keyboards with the ones of the other one given this, the guy will just row at max. speed in both directions, and cause they both are phisicaly oposit the canoe will end up going straight; fair enough, right

so, as you can see in my top 1080p 4k recording, with the new tecnique he is actualy showing himself rowing all the time, quite inconsistently, like if he was rowing from one side to the other; im not realy sure how does this works, but the game kinda tries to push him to start rowing in some of the direction i am pressing separately, several times along the whole game indeed, it doesnt happend at all with the original 1 keyboard glitch: here, he is completly estatic in the canoe... kinda using his newly adquired avatar's water control to move without having to row at all, heh well, by the way this glitch works, it seems more like the game tries to convert the 2 inputs in being 1 single input in some direction, which is why he is doing an unidirectional movement where he doesnt move from one side to the other except very ocasional times; as you just pressioned 2 tiles at the same time in the perfect frame of starting the movement (which by the way is hard so now is a lot easier lol), it combines the 2 directions to be an straight line, but the game still detects it as just a 1 direction input, unlike the 2 keyboards case, which yet can be interpreted as 2 inputs diferent being done in the game by diferent controllers where they dont act as trying to be just 1

well, this is strange but what can i take of all of this is that, in fact, they seem to work in quite a diferent way for how they manage to be that fast both glitches each one executes a diferent function over the game to how to act so, thinking about it, maybe is reasonable to think this 2 keyboards tricks is faster by the way its execution works over the 1 keyboard glitch we still need more understanding about this game after all, who would have tell

(you know, the 2nd keyboard discovery makes me think like if the guy just had founded his 2nd oar, in order to finaly be capable to row consistently and dont have to go from 1 fucking side to the other lol each keyboard is a representation of a oar that can go to a certain single directional depending of where you put it) anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk

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