Submitting ILs with Correct Milliseconds
Submitting ILs with Correct Milliseconds
Updated 2 years ago by Rubyn

At the end of every event, the game will show your final time in the window that appears in front of you. That's the time that you have to use as your final time when submitting an Individual Level speedrun.

I've seen multiple people input this time wrong when submitting. This guide will hopefully minimize that.

The in-game timer shows two decimal places for milliseconds (e.g. 0:04.20). asks for three spaces (e.g. 0:01.007). A common mistake when submitting a run is to just give SR.C the shown milliseconds as they show in-game. While, at first, this seems fine, it actually ends up applying a wrong time to your run.

For example, using 0:13.37 as it stands would turn it into 0:13.037, a clearly different time, even if by milliseconds (which, in a board that handles runs in seconds, can cause an important impact).

Avoiding this is as easy as adding a 0 to the end of the millisecond field, so that 0:13.37 turns into 0:13.370. THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU'RE SUBMITTING A SLOWER TIME THAN IT ACTUALLY IS. 0:13.370 is the same as 0:13.37, unlike 0:13.037. It's like saying 088 instead of just 88.

All runs submitted wrongly are corrected by the moderators before verification, and all runs already on the board have been corrected.

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