Yearly Vote Results
1 year ago

Results of the 1/19/18 vote

Should emu be banned? - 75% Voted yes Normal and Hard removed from boards? - 100% Voted yes Reference IGT vs Console split - 75% Voted reference IGT

  • 3/04/19 Rule vote results

Continue to have votes to take suggestions - 100% Accept new hundo rules - 71% yes - 14.3% no - 14.3% dont care Separate PS2 RTA - 57.1% no - 28.6% dont care - 14.3% yes Elect SRC super mod - 57.1% dont care - 28.6 yes - 14.3% no Emu allowed for ils 2nd and lower - 42.9% no - 14.3% dont care - 14.3% yes w/cutoff - 28.6% yes Emu allowed for RTA 4th and lower - 42.9% yes - 14.3% no - 14.3% yes w/cutoff - 28.6% dont care Should all secret chips ILs be added - 85.7% yes - 14.3% dont care

Dolphin Emulator is now allowed!

"ed58 08/16/2020 @ everyone As of 8/16/2020 we officially made some rule changes to the leaderboards. PlayStation versions of the game are now required to start the timer at 19 minutes 17 seconds. (any runs done prior have been adjusted). We are also allowing a specific version of Dolphin for full game runs/IL's and have attached it to the resources page on SRC (the rom is not included). Hopefully these changes stick and will make a good impression on current and future runners c:

[8:32 PM] the rules on SRC should also reflect these changes"

Another year another vote: — 02/14/2023

-dj0wns "6 Votes passed with the exception of disallowing emulator runs in IL's. This means:

  • All Full Game runs will switch to sum of IGT timing (the added time for ps2 runs is no longer a thing)
  • A cutscene skip mod will be created and is legal for the game
  • Modded consoles with hard drive loading is allows
  • Modded hard drives and other non-performance oriented internals are allows
  • Emulator runs are not allowed to hold the first place slot in full game runs
  • Emulator runs are still allowed to hold first place in individual level runs
  • Input restrictions are added to keep things fair Thank you for voting everyone! Changes will be rolled out over the next month"

-newest set of rules for emulators-

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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Cutscene Skip Mods Transition Period

After our latest rules vote we have allowed the use of specific cut-scene skip mods for full game runs. While these mods are not yet available and in development we are allowing the cut-scene skip hacked saves for use on OG Xbox. This allows Xbox runners to run without cut-scenes until we move to ou

1 year ago
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