Feedback thread
9 years ago
Cambridgeshire, England

I added a favicon that was 10x16, but it ended up stretched I had to make the canvas size 16x16 to fix it.

Bavaria, Germany

[quote=PurpleSunDeryl] I added a favicon that was 10x16, but it ended up stretched I had to make the canvas size 16x16 to fix it. [/quote] The favicon was stored as 10x16 and on the site itself it will be displayed as 10x16 where possible. Unfortunately browsers (or at least chrome) will always stretch favicons to be square. I don't know why they do, but that's the way it is and we have no control over that.

Cambridgeshire, England

Ah, okay. Thanks for the quick response.

Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

I was thinking that in some games, it'd be good to be able to set which mods have access to what. i.e. verifying runs, accessing "Edit game", accessing "Edit theme", etc. That or at least adding a "Verifier" that can verify runs but not access mod pages.

HowDenKing, ZZKer, and MLSTRM like this

^ iirc the [nosrl] filter should allready be on the site, with some other filters (but not sure).


United States

Suggestion: Add an option for a series to not list IL times in the "Latest Runs" section. The GTA series' latest runs are being eaten up by all of the IL submissions for GTA V.

Bavaria, Germany

Sorry for not responding here in a while.

[quote=mobiusman] bump - any more thoughts on ? [/quote] I agree that it could use some changing and that's an improvement. The reason I'm hesitant of implementing it right now is that place calculations are less than ideal right now (in terms of bugs, potential bugs and it simply being kind of a mess). So it might be better to just rewrite the entire thing but obviously that takes more time, time I haven't had yet (as in, I spent it on other things).

[quote=Klashik] I was thinking that in some games, it'd be good to be able to set which mods have access to what. i.e. verifying runs, accessing "Edit game", accessing "Edit theme", etc. That or at least adding a "Verifier" that can verify runs but not access mod pages. [/quote] At least adding a verifier seems like a good idea which is on the to-do list, I'm not sure how much more modularity is useful otherwise. There are more changes that should happen to the moderation system though, so we'll have to explore what exactly needs to happen then it can all be combined in a bigger update.

[quote=Ferian] Hihi, not sure if this is the right place to request stuff but it's my understanding that all streams show up on the stream page regardless of content. If this is the case, could some kind of [nosrl] filter be added? I'd feel silly showing up on srcom playing casual games. [/quote] As trollbear mentioned, [nosrl] will already be filtered. That's the only one atm though. I do have some more ideas for improving the streams page but it's kind of a low priority at the moment.

[quote=Kyle] Suggestion: Add an option for a series to not list IL times in the "Latest Runs" section. The GTA series' latest runs are being eaten up by all of the IL submissions for GTA V. [/quote] When we get to overhauling series/game pages, this will definitely be one of the new options. Not sure if it's worth implementing it before then, though. Will think about it a bit more.

Czech Republic

Suggestions (may have been posted before):

"Request a level" button - Many games (Quake, Doom, Tomb Raider) have speedruns of fan-made levels, but if someone makes a speedrun of a new level that is not in IL table, it can't be added or it has to be submitted as a different level, then mods have to edit it. Requests should be handled by game mods.

"Request a category/full-game" button - Similar stuff. Some fan-made levels are made into a full-game, which should be a separate category/full-game. Maybe it could be handled as another game in the series, but I don't think that's a good idea.


^ a message system would make both obsolete

French Southern Territories

Little suggestion : Being able to turn the "misc categories" to "visible" by default on a profile page.

TheGlitched64 and frogyfro like this
United Kingdom

this is a pretty low priority feature request, but just something I thought might be helpful - the ability for mods to add notes to runs that are currently pending verification, if they need some kind of discussion before being accepted or rejected.

ZZKer likes this

Any plans to add HTTPS support?


Need public moderator activity logs ASAP

United States

I think moderator logs would help a lot of issues as well. I was thinking they should be limited to game moderators and site staff, personally, but I'd be open to discussion on that. Life would be great if everything could be done ASAP.

Skull64, stoot, and 1UpsForLife like this

On what would you want to see in the public moderator logs then. See how many runs a mod accepted as count? or see a total log like: mod A made any% category, added runs, mod B added rules, deleted runs X + Y. or even a log per run what happend with it (even for removed runs then)? And should only supermods be able to see them or every mod. and should they see the same thing or should supermods see more?

imho only supermods should be able to see the log because they are the people that can do more to other mods (like removing and adding). or even an option on who can see logs that the supermods only can change (if there are multiple supermods they would have to discuss it) if they want that.


Runs, guides, games - who added, edited, removed. Links to removed content only for mods. Forum posts - Seeing 'post by X deleted by Y' instead of nothing.

Trollbear666 likes this
Bavaria, Germany

[quote=PackSciences] Being able to turn the "misc categories" to "visible" by default on a profile page. [/quote] Agreed, good suggestion.

[quote=mobiusman] this is a pretty low priority feature request, but just something I thought might be helpful - the ability for mods to add notes to runs that are currently pending verification, if they need some kind of discussion before being accepted or rejected. [/quote] Could be a good inclusion for a moderation update I also mentioned in my previous post in this thread. At the same time though this wouldn't really be necessary anymore if that message system ever does happen.

[quote=xetrov] Any plans to add HTTPS support? [/quote] While I agree https support is good, it's not really a priority on the to-do list at this point.

[quote=various people] [...] moderator logs [...] [/quote] They'd be helpful in some form or other, keep the discussion going.

[quote=BetaM] Forum posts - Seeing 'post by X deleted by Y' instead of nothing. [/quote] Yeah, something like this needs to happen.

Trollbear666 likes this
United States

Bug: A forum thread here got a bit broken when the last user that posted was banned. It says there are 4 pages and 71 posts while there is really only 1 page, and clicking those pages shows that they are blank. Also, the last user posted is still shown as the banned user.

United States

Couldn't find a suggestions thread, so I hope this is the correct place to put a couple suggestions:

  1. If possible, the option to be able to middle/scroll wheel click runs to open that run's page without leaving the leaderboard.
  2. The option to maybe see a notification on the globe in the top right when someone replies to your post? This seems like a stretch since currently I don't think there's a way to reply to a specific post. Still thought i'd mention it though.