5 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Nope, Cat Bird is developed by Raiyumi and Super Dangerous Dungeons is developed by the people behind Adventure Islands. (It's a developer team)

United States

Raiyumi did make Boost Buddies, btw stuff like this is better for the discord. Just saying

United States

Pretty sure they are different but thats a question for someone like Th3on

Rhône-Alpes, France

Duke Dashington, Heart stars, Super Dangerous Dungeons, Tiny Dangerous Dungeons and Total Party Kill are games created by Jussi Simpanen, aka AdventureIslands

Bakbik1234 and ScieCode like this
Rhône-Alpes, France

i dont really see anything looking alike on time trials between AdvetureIsland games and Rayumi ones, the only common point os that it exists, and that there are stats for PB and last run, which is rather logical id say...

United States

IIRC Duke Dashington and other AdventureIsland games have Milliseconds while Cat Bird is done via full seconds. IDK what else there is to discuss. Cat Bird and Super Dangerous Dungeons were made by different people.

Gyrule_ likes this