Phone Guy
3 years ago

When I mute the phone guy, can I do less time?

Sorry, I don't speak english easily.

Halo likes this
Colorado, USA

Uhm... please talk more. I don't understand.

Mathigamercrack likes this

Oh forget it, it is no longer necessary. Thanks anyway.

Hertfordshire, England

I think they meant does muting Phone Guy start the night quicker, as if the night doesn’t start until Phone Guy stops talking, in which case no

Pear and Mathigamercrack like this

Honestly I dont think so. If you mean that your night will end quicker. But I recommend muting cause hes so annoying :D

Mathigamercrack likes this

Ok, Thanks guys!

NoOffensive likes this

I did my speedrun in Any%!!!

Pear and Halo like this