NG No Merchant
1 year ago
West Virginia, USA

When will there be a category for NG No Merchant or NGM No Merchant? If there is gonna be.

Decuscrub likes this

The boards have only just gone live we dont have an answer for you just yet this will be discussed in the future and the best place to get the latest news is on the RE4R Discord


Any% Pro No Merchant 2:07:45

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No Bingo (Intro) Category Introduction + Category Extensions

Hi friends!

We've added No Bingo to RE4R, some of you may be familiar with something like this from RE3R. It's a new variable on SRC on the main boards and it's now split between Full Game and No Bingo again like RE3R. No Bingo will start just after Bingo time in the little hut just aft

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