Miscs are hard to find for no reason + LRT run history
4 months ago

The arrow to the right is not obvious at all. I don't personally see the reason to hide 2nd row at all but it could be at least optional for each leaderboard

Also, gonna repost my support ticket here after 3 months of it hanging:

The Record History feature is great, but unfortunately it doesn't reflect the moment Main Timing was changed. https://www.speedrun.com/gtatlad/ leaderboard had switched to LRT in January, 2021 but both the History tab and the graph don't account for that, and WR history is inaccurate as a result. Is it possible to implement note about timing change and make both graph/history thing use two different timings before/after the change was made?

Miscs being hard to find is deliberate. There is a game I play that has 1-2 hour runs but also single campaigns that take 3 minutes. The very short categories shouldn't be presented on the same level. There's also a mod option to make a category default which implies it is the most prestigious.

Where I agree with you and is the arrow not being obvious. It shouldn't be way over on the opposite side imo and should be more visible like highlighted or in a contrasting color. In other words, I'm saying that Miscs are too hard to find but the basic idea to reduce to their visibility makes sense to me.