High score runs that are not speedruns
7 years ago

Thanks to the front page showing the most recent runs, I have been seeing this a lot recently: runs that are not speedruns but are in fact aiming for highest score, using rules such as "Put your score in the milliseconds slot." speedrun.com does provide variables which can be set up to display a score along with a time (example http://www.speedrun.com/boxboy/Score_Attack_3#Bunny_ ) but it is not intended for the time column to be used for tracking score, as a run taking as long as possible to get the highest score possible is not a speedrun. Is there any intention for speedrun.com to accommodate score runs as well as speedruns in the future, or will the games doing this be dealt with?

Here are some examples of games doing this:

http://www.speedrun.com/flappybird http://www.speedrun.com/Happy_Jump http://www.speedrun.com/Crossy_Road#High_Scores http://www.speedrun.com/Ball_King#High_Score

http://www.speedrun.com/pt (All the Misc categories) http://www.speedrun.com/Piano_Tiles_2 http://www.speedrun.com/White_Tiles_4_Piano_Master (Arcade, Speed and VIP modes and ¤many¤ Misc categories)

http://www.speedrun.com/googlepacman (High score categories) http://www.speedrun.com/Google_Doodle_Soccer_2012 http://www.speedrun.com/chinesenewyear2013 http://www.speedrun.com/Pony_Express_Google_Doodle_2015 http://www.speedrun.com/Google_Doodle_ICC_Champions_Trophy_2017_Begins

These are just the ones I found after maybe 15 minutes and I'm sure there are many more. For at least some of these games a leaderboard for score runs exists elsewhere, for example https://cyberscore.me.uk/chart/168804 for Flappy Bird. As this is a speedrun site I don't think these games/categories belong on the site, unless one day there is an expansion of scope and score runs are also included.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ColeQuil, Avasam and 8 others like this
European Union

there is a leaderboard rework planned that will account for high-score runs instead of only speedruns. the current method of submitting via score as time and then sorting descending instead of ascending is the closest one can get to a properly sorted scoreboard.

your example of using score as a variable has a (imo bad) side-effect: press filter, then go to score, you'll see that every submitted score gets saved as its own variable.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Is there any info on this planned rework available? Haven't heard anything about it, sounds pretty cool.

And I was not aware of that side-effect, seems annoying.

TemperGrace likes this

This “every site wanting to do everything” mentality is dumb. Thought so when CS added speedrun charts and now SRcom wants to add high scores? Bah. It’s only gonna divide the playerbase.

IlluminaTea, TemperGrace and 2 others like this

Just gotta throw this in: https://www.speedrun.com/about

'speedrun.com is a site that provides leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrunning.

Speedrunning is the act of playing a video game with the intent of completing it as fast as possible, for the purposes of entertainment and competition.'

Games that cannot be 'completed' should not have leaderboards on this site just by the foundation of that alone.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
drgrumble, TemperGrace and 3 others like this
He/Him, It/Its
7 years ago

[quote] Just gotta throw this in: https://www.speedrun.com/about

'speedrun.com is a site that provides leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrunning.

Speedrunning is the act of playing a video game with the intent of completing it as fast as possible, for the purposes of entertainment and competition.'

Games that cannot be 'completed' should not have leaderboards on this site just by the foundation of that alone. [/quote]

Tbh, even if this is true, speedrun.com has become quite "popular" now. Personnaly, i think having Score Attack wouldn't be a bad idea, even if right now it's done in a pretty poor (bad ?) way.

I mean, for real, speedrun.com shows up VERY often now when you look for records in general, for games.

TemperGrace and Cuttyflame like this
Victoria, Australia
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Instead of cutting them off, why not add that functionality? They're not really doing anything wrong, and there aren't any rules against it.


"It’s only gonna divide the playerbase."

Yeah cause people will totally stop playing portal and all switch to flappy bird /s

People will continue to run game they like and new player will come for the "survive %".

And like doctorhelix said, Speedrun.com is a place to post video game wr. I really thing its a great improvement to add a real survive % run

TemperGrace, HowDenKing and 2 others like this

The wisest approach would be establishing some kind of affiliation between Cyberscore and Speedrun.com, which are two awesome complementary sites. In fact, as far as I know, there have been moves on this direction already.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ALAKTORN, TemperGrace and 2 others like this

I'm pretty sure when ALAKTORN said about splitting the player base he meant meant between cyberscore and speedrun.com, not speedrunners switching to score runs.

The idea of integration between the two sites sounds like the best solution if it could actually work, but the two sites are designed fairly differently so it will be difficult.

ALAKTORN and TemperGrace like this

I don't care either way if high scores are held here, but if there's already a site for highscores then why do we need them here?

Avasam, ALAKTORN and 4 others like this
Texas, USA

This is very bad for this site for several reasons:

  1. SR is already struggling to keep up with speedrunning features, so adding a high score feature will just delay the development of speedrunning features that are on the to-do list.

  2. Any game that has a point system in place of time disrupts the flow of the site. It is confusing to people who actually want to submit speedruns and it clogs the leaderboards with bogus information for developers and third-party sites using the Speedrun API. Please either submit high score runs on an appropriate site or ask for the feature to be implemented properly.

  3. Simply put, this is a site for speedrunning, not high scores. There are other sites dedicated to high scoring. High score runs should be submitted on a site that promotes high scores, not here. As stated above, most of these games already have high score leaderboards on appropriate sites, so submitting them here simply to have your name at the top of a leaderboard, without regard to how it affects the rest of us, is disrespectful to others of the community.

  4. It won't divide the player base, it will divide the ¤community¤ (which is already fairly divided). The site already has a vague mission statement, and if the site knowingly allows this kind of practice, it becomes even more vague just what belongs here and what doesn't. Do we allow tool-assisted? Do we allow save states? Nobody can agree because the site doesn't lay down any rules. Yes, the site is flexible when it comes to how a game can be timed, but if you start allowing high-¤anything¤ or low-¤anything¤, the site will start to lose credibility.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Avasam, IdahoJacket and 4 others like this
European Union

@oddtom: boi, let's put the pitchforks down.

regarding, 1): For some reason, Lightnat0r is MIA, so with only pac remaining, of course stuff isn't going as fast as it could be :T

and btw at 3): but isn't it just as disrespectful that people on these high score sites submit their speedruns onto there just to be 1st?

/edit: also just for the record, imho cyberscore looks hideous to me

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ROMaster2 likes this

The point is that the site was created with one goal in mind. Adding features is dandy, but with one person running things, it creates more of a workload.

This especially doesn't make sense when there are sites dedicated to this already.

I mean at some point the site will become bloated with every feature under the sun if it continues.

If cyberscore looks hideous and that bothers you, offer to help them out, or make your own site.

Texas, USA

I don't mean to wield a pitchfork, but I have an opinion.

I ¤have¤ offered to help them with the SR site.. Multiple times... but I'm not getting a response. I would love to help implement some of these things- it's my job- and I would do it for free because I like you guys, but I don't know, maybe the contact email is as backed up as the rest of the site.

I can't exactly message Pac or Rom; I don't even really know who is in charge around here.

  1. @HowDenKing It depends on the site. Do they host speedruns? Because this isn't a high score site, and it's not structured to be one. For those of us working with the API, this kind of thing throws a wrench in everything.
Edited by the author 7 years ago
TemperGrace and PrettzL like this

[quote]The idea of integration between the two sites sounds like the best solution if it could actually work, but the two sites are designed fairly differently so it will be difficult.[/quote] I was thinking something along the lines of what's done with SpeedRunsLive already: A link to Cyberscore on the dropdown menu reading "High Scores".

[quote] /edit: also just for the record, imho cyberscore looks hideous to me[/quote] Could you please elaborate on that? I happen to be a moderator on Cyberscore and we like to cater to as many players as possible.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Yo. One of the current admins/developers of Cyberscore here.

I contacted the SR.com admin team a few months ago about potentially having an affiliation and was basically dismissed by them at the time. Put plainly, it makes sense to me to have such a thing and it would be mutually beneficial for both sites. We're prepared to get involved in such an idea and as users of SR.com as well, we want to help out in the success of SR.com too.

We aren't exactly going to come in here throwing our weight around and trying to convince SR.com not to do scores, but just as us implementing speedrun competition isn't all that successful (people go to SR.com for that), you'll probably find that people who want to compete in score attacking are liable to use our already created charts for that, especially if the site forces them to use this silly method of "put your score in milliseconds".

Really_Tall likes this
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Give us a better timing method, then.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Victoria, Australia


"Timing" method is your issue. Score should be measured with a standard numbered integer like the games do, rather than relying on a workaround using h/m/s/ms format.

To use the OP's example of Flappy Bird:

SR.com: http://www.speedrun.com/flappybird uses timing method CS.com: https://cyberscore.me.uk/chart/168804 uses just a standard score display.

I can't think of any reason that SR.com has to enforce the same format across all of its leaderboards, especially as having a simple number format isn't particularly difficult. If there is a reason, that's cool too :) I just can't think of one.

PrettzL likes this
Texas, USA

I think it says something when one of the devs to CyberScore posts here before one from SR. You hit on one of the bigger issues with this- scores and times simply don't use the same variable type.

Sometimes I get the feeling that they're so overwhelmed here that they just kinda gave up. There have been multiple requests for features like a site map or FAQ page that would take maybe a weekend to implement, but when's the last time a mod replied in the bugs thread? If you're not going to implement messages soon, at least remove the "coming soon" dropdown. These aren't even new features, they're just design issues- rearranging things that are already here. I would do it for them, but I can't get in touch with them.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
ALAKTORN likes this