Small community looking for runners?
6 years ago
Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Maybe now it is related by more people, and the hack Eternal Nightfall needs players, it's my favourite


@6oliath, not really anymore. I guess it could be relevant for others. I will look through this thread in my vacation but it's not needed to necropost it

MelonSlice and Rephy like this
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

@Rephy she said full games not rom hacks?

Rephy likes this
Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Well i thought they were included sorry

North Brabant, Netherlands

There are other people just like Seydie in the Obscure Speedrun Club.

Check that out if you're interested in getting more runners.

Alberta, Canada

is that an actual thing? it sounds cool @Fireman


An easy 30min game with 2 runners

Washington, USA

It's a long run but easy to learn. Hey! Pikmin for the 3ds.

New Zealand
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

From what I know this thread isn't active but I have 2 Catastrophe Crow and Boodunnit?! Catastrophe crow being a playable version of a arg and Boodunnit?! Being a fun cute 3d platformer where you solve your own murder

Edited by the author 3 years ago

How about Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the Xbox? It is in dire need of runners as right now, @Patrick_Barrett is the only runner of the game. The run is definitely long, however, the route is easy to remember because of its linearity. I want to try it, but my current laptop can't run the game (on emulator) properly.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

OP posted this 3 years ago.


Charlotte, NC, USA

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French Southern Territories

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SuperAL1, TheSecondTry and 2 others like this
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

I would love to see more people play this 2D platformer - right now i am the only one who runs it.

I've recently opened a community for speedrunning Link It Up!, and already had 3 different runners excluding me.

  • Game requires precise and efficient cursor movements for nodes' manipulation, in order to optimize and improve your run. Consequently, each run is unique and there is always place for improvement, unless you are inhuman.
  • Anyone can give it a try. Game is free and playable on browser on 3 different sources. Downloading the game is also available.
  • Game is fairly short to speedrun, 30 levels with collectibles if interested in 100%. Current 1st placed run for any%-glitchless is just above 5 minutes.

I'd love to see more speedrunners competing :)

Edited by the author 3 years ago


The last response before the necro was 2 years ago. Please read a thread before you post in it

TheSecondTry and RaggedDan like this

Honestly at this point we might as well keep this tread alive and have a concentrated place where people can promote their speedgame instead of trying to necropost over a dozen different treads.

WeirdAlex03, Quivico and 3 others like this

Why not?! The more, the better.

Talking about promotion, currently HOI4 my main game is free to play for a few days. Community is fairly active and most categories dont need DLC.

New Zealand

Zeek the Geek has a surprising amount of depth to it. I didn't even think sub-24 was possible when I first started in January, and now sub-23 COULD be a thing! Not to mention the 100% category, which is begging to be explored.

It would be amazing to have another runner take a crack at it.

Edited by the author 3 years ago