Verification Help
7 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Hey everyone, I recently became mod of my first game! Thank you thank you, please hold your applause because I've already been thrown a curve ball. A player submitted a run beating my time (only other run in the game so far) so I went ahead and timed his run and verified it. While verifying the run, a few things struck me as odd.

Firstly, there was no sound, which raises a red flag immediately for me. Secondly, the account that submitted the run is only 7 days old here, and the youtube account used to upload the run is brand new and only has one video uploaded (the run in question). Lastly, the upper left corner of the video has "unregistered hypercam 3". I'm not accusing anybody of cheating, but I wanted to check with the community, and people who have more experience moderating leaderboards to see if there is anything I should be weary of about this run? To be transparent, I will tag @rho here so they know that I am seeking additional confirmation.

Game: Street Fighter 2 (Gameboy):

Run in question:

Thank you for the help everyone, and sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask in! -Todd

Texas, USA

IMHO, making a Youtube account solely to upload a run video doesn't seem very suspicious, because you can't directly upload them here. I'd say the same for a newly created account here as well; it makes sense that someone would make a new account for the purpose of submitting a run. As for the hypercam, I'm pretty sure it's a screen recording software that leaves the watermark if you use the free version, and it looks like no sound is a pretty common issue for that particular software. I'm not very familiar with it, but it looks like unless you download the driver, it won't record sound.

The time is only a few seconds in front of yours, so it doesn't really stick out to me as suspicious. I think it's perfectly reasonable to think that this run was practiced over and over, and only the best was submitted. However, if the sound is a problem, I would direct Rho to the site above to download the driver.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Richmond, VA, USA

Thanks for the help Oddtom! That clarifies a lot of my concerns, and you make some good points about the new accounts being made with the purpose of uploading Pb's.


Hi. I just submitted my speed run video for resident evil 7 on xbox one. I am wondering just how long it will take roughly that is. Im not looking for an exact time. But roughly how long will it take before the run is verified and on the leader board? I am new to this site and im just curious as to how long it takes to verify a run. Thank you and hope to hear from someone soon about my enquiry

Richmond, VA, USA

It all depends on the game and the mods, if my run hasn't been verified after a week, I'll contact a mod via Twitter or some other medium. Patience is key since the mod has to have the time to sit down and review your entire run.


None of that is reason for suspicion. What if he just started speedrunning and made accounts specifically for that purpose?

Hypercam is a pretty fucking odd way to record gameplay nowadays after the advent of stuff like OBS, but it's still totally legitimate. Looks like shit though.

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