whats going in Here in Speedrun?
7 months ago

Something,i cant beliefe what i See Here.

No real rulz who i Take start or Stop at defense grid 2.

Asking in the Forum doesnt Work.

No answer.

First and Second place Moderator.

No Video online/or privat.

Look s Moderator have bether to do.

Moderator verify His own record?


Children are working as Moderator?

In Germany ist childwork without Money forbidden.

In Germany at 15/16 you can Work for Money with contract.

For Family you can Work.

And Most Games i have Look,

Mostly the Moderator ist under the First 3 places.

That Looks Not nice.

Speedrun was dominatet for His own Moderator.

I dont say that the Moderator doesnt Run.

Thats why they come i think.

Let them Run.

But verify His own records?

That doesnt Looks serious.

Sorry for my poor english


im sorry i dont quite understand what you are trying to say but this was funny

Children are working as Moderator?

its volunteer work. absolutely no one is getting paid for being a games moderator

likes this

volunteer work?that doesnt work in germany with children.

children can work for family or neighbor ,for example,for Pocket money or pocket money supplement.

without money you let work a children,you have problems in germany.

but other countries different customs.

sry for my poor english


Let's take a step back here, because you seem to be assuming the absolute worst about literally everything about this website.

First of all, your post in the Defense Grid 2 forum was only two days ago. As established, moderators are volunteers who look at these things in their free time, they're not obligated to log into the site and handle everything every day. Please be patient, if after a few weeks nothing's happened then you may need try to message them directly, or take it up with site staff, but for now you just need to wait.

Secondly, there is no child labour. People under the COPPA/GDPR/etc age aren't even allowed on the site in the first place. Being a moderator for a game does not qualify as "work", there is no contract, there are no obligations, and there is no compensation. It is 100% voluntary, and completely legal.

As for people verifying their own runs, in ideal circumstances that wouldn't happen, but in a game like Defense Grid 2 where literally only two people have ever run it, there's not really a better alternative. Sometimes it does lead the awkward situations like this, but this one minor issue you've encountered doesn't mean the whole website is fundamentally flawed.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
, Merl_ and 6 others like this
You always talk about free work, volunteer work. in your free time. I can have a say in that. I worked as an admin in a  chat on Telegram for half a year or a year.
without payment.
But I did my job.
I didn't work for two days because my cell phone rang too often and it became too much.
Do you now think I'm running after a 14 year old so he can tell me the start and stop times?
Shouldn't that be in there anyway?
he could be my grandson.
It could be that I've been gaming longer than his parents are old.
What skills does he have to recognize fake videos?
It took me 8 years to debunk UFO video.
How motivating is it to wait 14 days or longer for the review?
As I said, I thought things would be a little more professional here.
translated with Google

Moderator verify more then one Times his own Run.

Thats Bad.

And i found a Second with doing itself Verifikation.



In short time,i found 5 Moderator,that verify the own Runs.



youve already been told the reason why moderators sometimes verify their own runs


This has nothing to do with equality or fairness.

How can it be that auditors audit their own runs.

Whether 2 or 10 or 100 are involved in the run, it does not matter.

It is an unfair disadvantage to the other players.

All this is not serious.

I am sorry.


You are whining about a game that two people care about. There is nobody else to verify the runs. There is no alternative.

I feel like you didn't actually read my forum post and you're just rambling about nonsense now, so whatever dude, enjoy complaining about things that you can't even be bothered to try to understand. Don't be surprised when nobody takes you seriously or tries to help you in the future.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
and 2 others like this
Iowa, USA

@MrWeakwill Wenn Sie ein Problem mit den Moderatoren haben, dann sprechen Sie mit ihnen. Wenn sie sich nicht daran halten, sprechen Sie mit dem Personal vor Ort darüber.


Hallo Act.

Danke für die deutsche Antwort.

Ich habe mit den Moderatoren persönlich kein Problem.

Ich habe aber ein Problem mit Moderatoren die ihre Läufe selber überprüfen.

Es kann doch nicht sein,das Prüfer ihre eigenen Läufe prüfen.

Das muss ein anderer machen.

Das ist ein Fehler im System.

Ich würde mich in Grund und Boden schämen wenn ich als Prüfer,meine eigenen Läufe prüfe.

Dann ist das ein Nachteil gegenüber jedem Runner wo bis zu 14 Tage warten muss,im schlimmsten Fall länger.

Das hat mit sportlicher fairniss nicht zu tun.

Das ist unsportlich.

Dann verstehe ich nicht warum ein Kind hier als Moderator arbeitet.

Das geht in Deutschland gar nicht wie in diesem Falle.

Mich wundert das das in Amerika geht.

In Deutschland sind strafen von 15000 - 30000 Euro fällig oder ein Jahr gefängnis.

Wenn ihr weiter zulässt,das Prüfer ihre eigenen Läufe prüfen,verliert ihr bei mir,jegliche Art von Seriosität.

Das zweite Problem übersteigt meine Kompetenzen.

Weder weiss ich ob es legal ist in Amerika,noch was ich aus Deutschland dagegen machen.

Da müssen sich andere darum kümmern.


(Übersetzt von Google, sorry, wenn es keinen Sinn ergibt)

Wie ich Ihnen schon mehrmals zu sagen versucht habe, überprüfen Moderatoren ihre eigenen Läufe normalerweise nur dann, wenn niemand sonst da ist, der sie überprüft. Im Idealfall wäre das nicht notwendig, aber manchmal gibt es einfach keine gute Alternative. In den allermeisten Fällen stellt dies kein Problem dar, da jeder die Bestenliste einsehen kann und etwaiges Fehlverhalten offensichtlich ist. Außerdem hat jedes Spiel/jede Community ihre eigenen Standards für solche Dinge.

Und noch einmal: Spielemoderator auf dieser Website zu sein ist kein Job. Es zählt nicht als Arbeit. Es bestehen keine Verpflichtungen. Es gibt Ihnen lediglich die Erlaubnis, ein paar zusätzliche Schaltflächen auf einer Webseite zu drücken. Ich bin kein Experte für deutsches Recht, kann mir aber keinen Grund vorstellen, warum dies illegal sein sollte. Meine Recherchen hierzu waren nicht schlüssig. Viele Websites funktionieren auf diese Weise und ich habe noch nie gesehen, dass dies für eine von ihnen als rechtliches Problem aufgeworfen wurde, daher scheint es mir ein Missverständnis zu sein. Und wie ich bereits sagte, ist der Zugriff auf die Website für Kinder unter einem bestimmten Alter aus anderen Gründen nicht gestattet.

Walgrey and Act_ like this

thank you for the translation.

it s fine.

here in germany ,this is strictly forbidden.

i dont mean it bad.

i dont understand,thats in usa okay.

then its more then one moderator and more then one run.to mutch for me.sorry.

runners have to wait up to 14 days,a moderator runs and checks his run himself and releases it without waiting time.

this is unfair and unsportsmanlike.

when i proof my own records and runs,it s a shame for me.

can be,i m too old and see it with other eyes.

but i think,it ends now.all are spoken,multible times,i dont say it again.

i m not a lp with an scratch.

have a nice day.MrW

one more.have I in the forum of the game but meanwhile also written.

I do not want children to work because of me.

also not check my runs.

if that makes an adult, very gladly.

otherwise i will gladly give up my place in the rankings.