Split 1- Cam 10 Kill one of the balloons with Golden toss, get Shadow Freddy to spawn, kill the other balloon with G Toss and use Shadow Rush to finish the camera off. Split 2- Cam 9 to Cam 5 Get the Hydra Dildo by punching the poster, then just kill Cam 9, Cam 7 twice, Cam 6, and Cam 5 by spamming either Golden Stinger or Golden Slash. Split 3- First Walmart Visit You need to go to Walmart as you can't kill the rest of the cameras without good healing, just get Large Pizzas and Medium Sodas and head to Cam 4. Split 4- Cam 4 to Cam 2 Same as split 2, just kill the cameras by spamming Golden Stinger and Golden Slash to kill the balloons and cameras quickly. Split 5- The Final Camera Spam Golden Stinger to kill the balloons, Past cameras, and the Guns. Then, just spam Golden Slash to finish off The Final Camera. Split 6- Final Walmart Visit Prepare for the final battle, you will need it. Get XL Pizzas, large sodas to help heal you and your allies during the battle against Springtrap and Phantom BB. Split 7- Springtrap and Phantom BB Use Cranky's Regret to lower Phantom BB's defense and attack to make BB easier to kill, then spam Golden Slash, Golden Stinger, Shadow Rush, and Shadow Laser to damage Phantom BB to half health so that BB flees the battle. Once BB flees the battle, the time is ticking and your in the Homestretch! Kill Springtrap by any means necessary that being spamming or using summons to deal extra damage.