FNaFB 1 Any% Guide
FNaFB 1 Any% Guide
Updated 3 years ago by Mage_MascarowgXYZ

There are a lot of factors for this run, those being encounters, crits, and well-timed levels. I myself have been both lucky and unlucky in my runs. Hopefully, either I or you can get lucky enough to get sub 25 minutes. This guide should help you in speedrunning the game in the most efficient way.

Split 1 - Chica Joins This is pretty simple. Go grab Chica first before Bonnie. Make sure you get the Dragon D however as it is the main reason the run can be as fast as it can. Split 2 - Bonnie Joins If you grabbed Chica first you can quickly head into the bathroom to grab the ticket and make your way over to the vending machine to get Bonnie's Head. Then it's as simple as grabbing Bonnie and continuing on. Split 3 - Protection Hat Alpha After you get Bonnie, equip the Dragon D, and one shot the Hat with a scream from Freddy. Split 4 - Foxy Joins Now, this is where luck starts coming into play. You need 15 Tokens to buy back the Lighter but at this point, you only have 8 from Alpha Hat. You either need to fight two Party hats or a Metal Party Hat to get enough coins in one fight. If you get a turn one kill on the Metal Party Hat you should be golden. Split 5-7 - Show Stage, Dinning Area, and P&S Cams Tophat Toss is the only skill you should use in these fights as it does the most damage and has a pretty short animation. With that mentioned, you should grind just up to Level 5 to get the skills. Just scream with the others as they do too little damage and just waste time with their skills. If you get a lucky crit with Freddy you should be done turn one and save loads of time. This is the point where luck is something to pray for. Split 8 - Protection Hat Beta After you beat the first 3 Cams you can make your way to take on Beta Hat without the first set of gear. Why? Well, you really don't need it and you're about to upgrade anyways. Tokens are important for going fast. just use Tophat Toss and hope for a crit to speed up the battle. After the first grab your gear as it will be needed now. Split 9 - Supply Closet Cam Now it may seem crazy to head for a danger level 3 Cam instead of the level 2 Cams. But due to the feature of Cams with quirks the Supply Closet has 5000HP, will heal you, and always takes crit damage. Just use Rushdown and you should be done turn one. Split 10 - Protection Hat Gamma Tophat Toss with a bit of Rushdown. Grab your gear and move forward. Split 11-13 - West Hall, Bathroom, and East Hall Cams Like Split 10 just use their skills and hope for crits. And you know, don't die. Split 14 - Protection Hat Omega After you defeat the East Hall cam head down to beat up on the last Protection Hat. At this point, you know the drill. Add Bunny Hop if you like and hope for a Def drop. Sadly Backup Bash is not the God Tier Skill it used to be so Bunny Hop is your new friend. Also, Motivation Jam on Freddy is very handy. and helps loads when you do get a crit. Split 15 - Pirate's Cove Cam This is the last Cam before the Marionette will show up. Be quick and be ready. Split 16 - West Hall Cam There isn't much more to say. At this point, you have a good number of Tokens to buy XL Pizza and Large Sodas with a few Cakes. Make sure you use Chica to fill up the others' Skill meter and do the needed healing. Split 17 - East Hall Cam Time is limited. Get the items you need before you fight and after. Pray you don't miss and get lots of crits. Split 18 - Golden Freddy If you were fast enough you ran into the office and are ready to fight the last fight. Use Tophat Toss on a Party Hat to take it out, two Bunny Hops will take out the next, and a mix of Rushdown and a Scream from Chica can take out a third. You want to get Freddy to enough TP to use Death Inhale. Sea Shanty and Movetion Jam can help do massive damage and even defeat Golden Freddy if you got him down to back less than half HP.