Boss Fight Skip
Boss Fight Skip
Updated 4 years ago by Chottue

Currently there are 3 ways of "skipping" the Boss fight in LEVEL # 20.

  1. If you have enough Energy (more than 361) you can simply ignore the Boss and walk past him. You'll die if you have less than 361 Energy but you still can respawn. Game won't require you to fight him again since Boss will be killed too. It's safer to have a tiny bit more health (like 10-15 more) because if you're not fast enough you can get shoot with one of Boss' bullets and well... you'll have less than 361 Energy innit

  2. The safest strat. Wait for the Boss to hit you with one bullet so you'll get damage immunity for some time. While immune just walk past him. #PacifistRun

  3. You see the Health Box at the bottom, right? If you're fast enough (really quick) pick up the box before Boss hits you and then proceed with number 1 here.

Pro tip: you don't have to free all flies in LEVEL # 20 since there is no portal at the end ;)

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