Run submissions for Dollet Escape runs on HD Console version
3 years ago

We have had a little bit of interest shown in a Dollet Escape category for HD Console version and before creating a category that ends up dead after a week, we have decided to make this thread where people interested in that category can submit their VODs. If there is enough interest shown here we will be making the category as normal. You can put all the required information (Time, Platform, Language) in this thread already so once the category is created, these runs are easily added to it by the moderators.

awesomeWaves, relxert and 2 others like this
United States

I'll get the ball rolling here... 47:24, PS4, English Pretty good run! Not perfect RNG, but some really good fights (Anacondaur and Elvoret)

awesomeWaves likes this

Ok, let's add something as well 45:40 Xbox One, Japanese, NoFins

relxert likes this
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Cutscene Remover Break added

Hey everyone!

We're very happy to announce the addition of a 5 minute break to the FF8 2013 CSR. There is also a new version of the Autosplitter for the 2013 PC version.

You can find the new versions of the CSR (1.31 for French and 1.2 for English) with the same links as before.

The Autosplitter

1 month ago
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