Known Timesaves
Known Timesaves
Updated 11 months ago by HerbThyme

The following is a list of timesaves that could help in your speedrun(s).

Please note which methods count for Glitchless% or Any% and utilise them accordingly. In other words, any methods listed in the Any% section are banned in Glitchless%.

-=+=- Glitchless% Methods:

-Sprinting diagonally is slightly faster than sprinting normally.

-You can log in to the computer at any time before you're asked to and sort out the antivirus early.

-During the oven sequence, you do not need to check the cameras prior to heading downstairs. You can disable the oven and leave as long as you don't look at Cara.

-During the store segment, no dialogue is necessary. If you remember the items on the list, you can be in and out of the store in less than 30 seconds.

-You can completely skip the pizza sequence by opening, and then immediately closing, the front door. This is the fastest way to progress during that sequence, which effectively makes the 'pizza skip' obsolete outside of 100% runs.

-=+=- Any% Methods:

-User "Freak_Creek" discovered a way to consume the pizza much faster than normal. It seems to entail repeatedly sitting & standing, which resets the cooldown to eat. A video demonstrating the method can be found here:

-=+=- Case-Specific Methods:

-Pressing Shift+T at any time will immediately progress Evelyn's dialogue, as well as the game, to the "Cooking with Jeffrey" segment, bypassing the need to feed Zeke or repair the computer. Note that the computer will be fully-functional when the player returns from the shopping trip. This skip is legal for any%, and only legal for glitchless% if ALL prerequisites are completed, including finishing all prior tasks. Receiving all necessary dialogue was a requirement in the past, however it is no longer necessary.

-=+=- Banned Methods:

-Pressing Shift+1 or Shift+2 progresses time to fixed checkpoints in the game. This is in the game due to debug keys being left active. However, it is banned in all categories.

-=+=- This list may be expanded, should more valuable skips be discovered.

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Start time changed!

I know not everyone reads or is inside the Fears to Fathom Discord, so I wanted to inform you of these changes. If you aren't aware it was decided to change when the timer begins, this doesn't change old runs; they will remain the same.

The new start time is written as so: Change the start time

11 months ago
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Posted 1 year ago
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