Updated 2 years ago by HoonGoons

A (somewhat) detailed list of the versions, pros and cons included.

PC - Easily best version to play the game on. Includes standard and a VR mode as a separate game included in. Just use your mouse or VR controllers and you're golden. PS4 - VR exclusive, which is also why it's not backwards compatible with the PS5 currently. Plays just like you would do VR on PC. PS Vita - Second worst version to play on, if you don't have a PSN account it straight up will not save your data for some reason, which is good for speedrunning I guess but it's not really worth it. If you have a PSN account on your Vita, disregard this. Played using the touch screen. Nothing too specific here, just like a regular PS Vita indie game. Xbox One/Xbox Series - Played with a controller, but loading times are quite good if you're using a SSD. (this would apply to PC and PS4 as well but only the xbox series consoles have it by default) Switch - Played using the touch screen. Also nothing too specific here, just like a regular Switch indie game. Wii U - Played using the gamepad. Also also nothing too specific here, you get the picture.

Then we have the mobile versions.

Android - Both the best and worst version to play. If you are playing it solely vanilla, it is the worst experience you will have compared to playing it on another platform. Straight up just a shitty mobile game that forces you to pay real money for things. There is a work around though, and it's an app called Lucky Patcher. It's an app that can let you disable ads and paying for microtransactions, which in the case for this game it's really only buying microtransactions. You can buy the game's currency right off the bat, something you can't even do in the other versions, unlock other areas earlier, and then spend all your money on the powerups. This can let you breeze through the game very quickly, bypassing everything the hurdles the game gives to you as a puzzle game. This is why it is also split on the Mobile category, and also why BlueStacks (the Android emulator) is allowed. On the other hand though... iOS - The worst version to play on. You do not get the luxury of using Lucky Patcher. Everything I said regarding the game in the Android section before mentioning Lucky Patcher applies here. You're fucked.

Hopefully this at least gives a good basis of info when it comes to this game. Have fun.

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It was an honor having this duty to be the one to put this beautiful game from Heavy Iron Studios on the site.

So anyway with that out of the way, I'm still setting up the boards but here's the gist of things currently.

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