Idk how to formulate the question, so just read the context lol
2 years ago

I was scrolling through my profile and I saw a lot of my classic co-op 0.0 WR were beaten. Earlier today a thought hit me: man, I have a 2 years old Twitch highlight where we beat a lot of our WRs and some of the runs could beat current WRs. So I go watch the whole thing and saw that indeed, some of our runs beat the current WRs. The problem is: I can't highlight the runs since the vod is so old and also there is no date on the vod, meaning I don't know when were they performed exactly (it only says "2 years ago" and on my phone it's apparently a year ago lol). My idea was to record the Twitch vod with OBS then crop the runs I needed, then post them with a date around early April 2020 since I believe this is when the stream occured. Would that be a good idea or even allowed?


Ivory and Jaaay like this
United States

I would say yes, it would be allowed, and using OBS to crop would be fine. Honestly you don't even have to crop it, as long as you post timestamps for the runs, but if you crop it, it makes it a lot easier for mods.

Jaaay likes this

yeah just send them in and we'll go through them. dont worry about the date you got them, it is not really important. at least to me

Canonball_Run likes this

alternatively you could also download your vod using twitch's video producer tool then cut it up using a video editing program, if you know how to do that

Jaaay likes this

Oh yeah I totally forgot that I could download highlights, tho it might not be possible considering it's 1 and a half year old. If I can't download it, I'll do my 1st idea of recording the runs with OBS 'cause I don't like submitting 2 hours long streams with a timestamp for a 3 minutes run. I was just wondering about how legit it looked lol. And yeah, if the date doesn't really matter, I'll just put something like March 26th 2020

Thanks for the reponses

Ivory and Jaaay like this

alright small update: I was able to download it and in the video producer thing it gives the exact date (January 11th 2020), so I'm good with everything. Thanks y'all

Ivory, Canonball_Run, and Jaaay like this
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