How do I become a moderator
6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

I want to be a moderator. Can someone tell me how? Big thanks!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

For most games on In order to have any consideration for being mod, you need to be involved in the game. This includes routing, finding glitches/skips, ran all ILs and have complete knowledge of the game. Without these few key things, any page you request moderation will not be looked at.

MK7 may be slightly different as each game has it's own discrepancies, but this is a general overview for who can be a moderator

Tropio, Mars02 and 3 others like this
North Carolina, USA

I think I have the requirements as I have played this game for 600 hours but how do you think I could prove that to the moderator? I did ask how though so, how do you request moderation?

Edited by the author 6 years ago

If you want to be a mod just to have your runs verified immediately, that's not necessary, I do that fairly quickly since I come here pretty often (I have to watch the video if there's one, though, but that won't take a year).

You should also take into account that Lafungo added a new mod only a few days ago (yes, it's me, but that's not my point), and a LOT of people asked for mod on this forum in the past but none of them actually became mods. Also, even if you have a lot of experience in this game, you're relatively new to the community (your first run is less than 4 months old while other people have been around for years), which doesn't help when you're applying for mod (and that'd also be true in every other game).

Anyway, I can't add or remove mods myself, so Lafugo is the only one who can decide, but I can definitely tell that if you really want to become a mod, you're doing it wrong. And asking again in the description of one of your runs probably isn't going to help. Don't forget rule #1 : "If you wanna be mod, don't ask for mod."

PS : I've seen your All Cups submission ; you know that an All Cups run is made of 8 cups played consecutively without pausing the timer, and isn't just the sum of 8 individual cup times, right ? Since that's what I think you did reading the description of your 1:23:33, and from the Nitro and Retro times you submitted as being part of that "run". The times you gave don't even match : 1:23:41 if you add your Nitro and Retro segments (while you should end up within a second of your All Cups time when adding Nitro, Retro and credits/reset after Special Cup), 1:23:33 from the submission, and 1:23:29 if you add the Cup times you give in the description (although that one is understandable since it may come from you rounding the cup times down to the second). I hope you understand that I'll wait for your answer before validating those 3 runs, and your other Retro and Nitro times. And to answer the question in the description of your Leaf Cup run : no, you can't do that, you have to beat the whole cup at once. Also, as I said in the description of whatever was the first one of your runs that I verified earlier, no need to fill the "video link" thing if you don't have a video ;) I fixed that, too.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Tropio, Bony_Thicc and 5 others like this
North Carolina, USA

That means I have the world record in leaf cup. The guy in the description for number one said he added up the best out of 33 runs. I don't want to become a mod to get my runs uploaded immediately but so that it's easier and faster to get runs verified ( 3 is better than 2). Do you think it would help if I did more runs? I realize you don't pause the timer during the run. It's 4 seconds off because when I listed my time for each cup, I didn't say the milliseconds.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Gelderland, Netherlands

He said he did 30 runs in total, where his sum of best is a 9:28. Please don't claim WR

UrBoyDragon, Francesco, and Rioyner like this
North Carolina, USA

TicTacBean how many hours have you played Mario kart 7 for?

North Carolina, USA

What's a trick i want to know if you would be helpful in finding a mk7 glitch


Playtime isn't an accurate way to rate skill, you can have spent thousands of hours playing a game and still suck at it. And it also isn't an argument you can use to justify telling someone to stfu.

TicTacBean, your first post was a great meme, but you could've stopped there tbh, there was no need to keep going. Now I wish I could delete other users' posts... -_-

Edit : and now there are 3 new messages that popped up before I finished writing that. Please stop that now

Edited by the author 6 years ago
IlluminaTea, UrBoyDragon and 2 others like this
North Carolina, USA

I realize that cynda i just didn't have a better way to describe my skill level. Also can you verify my all cups run. I told you why you got 1:23.29 when you add them up.


You told me why I got 1:23:29 because I literally give you the answer. I want to have YOUR answers to the other questions you ignored before doing anything with your run. Like why is there zero load time between your cups, or why do we have more than 1:23:33 when adding Nitro and Retro, that kind of stuff. Not the "oh yeah the 4 second difference is because I didn't give the milliseconds" that I had already figured out.

(And I also want you to know that "I gtg" is completely unnecessary in a forum)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Manfredi and Rioyner like this
North Carolina, USA

I will just give you my exact splits because I might've done the math wrong because I did it in my head for the nitro cup and retro cup.

Mushroom cup 9:28.36 Flower cup 10:38.98 Star Cup 10:16.02 Special Cup 10:55.67 Shell Cup 10:02.32 Banana Cup 10:19.77 Leaf Cup 10:49.77 Lightning cup 11:02.65

If you add up all the lap times and you get a couple of seconds different from my all cups times that's because I pressed lap on my phone and then pressed stop which took a few seconds. I'm sorry for causing all this.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Yeah thanks, that's your cup times, and now with the hundredths I get 1:23:33 as I already told you I expected. Thanks for that, that was definitely what I expected, and it sure helped me a lot. Nothing else was bothering me, let alone anything that I would've already told you about twice.

Irony aside, FOR THE THIRD TIME, what about the Nitro-Retro segments problem, like how do their sum end up being +8 against your All Cups when it should be -3x or -5x ? And also for the third time, WHY IS THERE NO LOAD TIME BETWEEN YOUR CUPS ?

That's because you keep ignoring those questions that your run isn't verified yet. Do you get it now ? Am I FINALLY going to have a clear answer now ? Because that whole thing is getting really annoying.

Michigan, USA

I’m sorry, but I can’t help but to find it hilarious that this originally was a post of him asking for mod and later in the thread we find out he doesn’t really understand how speedrunning works.

Manfredi, Mars02 and 6 others like this
North Carolina, USA

Standstill-an I'm sorry I didn't understand your question at first the reason when you add them it gets plus eight seconds to my run. The nitro and retro cup times from my run that I sent separately are incorrect time. I'm going to redo the math with a calculator and then tell you the correct time for the retro and nitro times.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

My retro is 41:17 My nitro is 42:16

North Carolina, USA

About your load time question i press lap for every single cup i finish so as soon as I pass the finish line of the fourth race i press lap then home and exit out so the loading time goes into the next cup. As in when I press home after finishing the mushroom cup as soon as I press the home button i start the time for the flower cup. I don't pause during the entire run.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Victoria, Australia

You're meant to add in the load times between cups too.

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