Routes and misc. data
Routes and misc. data
Updated 7 years ago by AyafuyaRocket

ZAKO links his route on his video, you can find it here: I (Google) translated it: (also include a copy of the original in case his link dies) I did a run with his route to find out how much faster 3DS was and got a 3:37:00

I then improved the route, which you can find here: I wrote a lot more details than ZAKO. Maybe too much. There's also a bunch of misc. info on some game mechanics and other stuff. At the end I mention biggest changes between my route and ZAKO's. I did a couple runs and the only one that finished was a 3:17:45, my sum of bests is a(n improvable) 2:46:09.

Here's a google doc with a ton of random stuff Check the first page for details on what other pages have. Some of them are a bit unfinished or ugly.

This is an image with a general idea of my fusion route. I kept adding to it and now it's a mess but hopefully it helps.

I don't have videos of any of my runs because I don't have 3ds capture, which is also why I lost motivation to keep working on this.