Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Updated 6 years ago by adeleine64DS

Taken from


Exclusive for use with the Fairchild Video Entertainment System

================= F A I R C H I L D

VIDEOCART is a trademark of Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation


Get set and go with these four high-powered two-player drag racing games. Take your Videocart cartridge and, with the front label facing out and the top label facing up, insert it gently in the chute marked 'insert cartridge.' To remove the cartridge, press the 'press to eject' bar, then slide the cartridge out.

DRAG STRIP (all games)

Press RESET. A G? will appear asking you which type of car you want to drive. Press button:

1 for a family sedan. 2 for a modified sedan. 3 for a funny car. 4 for a dragster.

The higher the button number you press, the faster the car you select. After selecting your car, and M? will appear on the screen asking you which mode of game you want to play. Press button:

1 for a practive game. The practive game is for you to get used to how the cars drive and shift. Everything in the practive game is slowed
down--the car speeds, RPM's and timing. 2 or 3 for cars that will not stall after starting lights are gone. 4 for cars that will stall after starting lights are gone. (See 'How the Hand controllers Work' for an explanation on stalling).

after selecting mode, an S? will appear asking if you want sound with the starting lights. Press button:

1 for no sound. 2,3 or 4 for sound.

the sound is present only when the timing lights are counting down. This gives you a clue for starting fast. After selecting the sound option, the race will begin.

The left player car is on top, his RPM indicator and shift indicator on the lower left side of the screen. The right player's car is on the bottom, his RPM indicator and shift indicator is on the lower right side of the screen. Each player's car is color-coded to his RPM and shif indicators. Red car, red indicators, etc.

Get ready and set as the timing lights between the two cars count down. when the last red timing light has turned off, the race has officially begun and the elapsed time counter has started.


You control both RPM's (your speed) and shift position. TWIST RIGHT OR LEFT -- to control RPM's. As you twist, your RPM indicator will advance toward the green mark. If you hit the green mark (in racing terms, 'red-lined' it), your engine will blow. The message BLOWN appears in your lane and you are out of the race.


The drag race cars use a standard H pattern shift. Upper left is first gear. Lower left is second gear. Upper right is fourth gear. (See illustration).

1 3 | | | / \ |<====== This is the shift diagram (H)
| / \ |

/N\ <==== This is the triangular controller (pyramide)
2 4


Drag Race races continue until either both cars have crossed the finish line, blown their engine, stalled or run the red light.

At the start of a race, a light pattern between the two cars counts down indicating players should rev their engines and prepare to take off. At the end of the light pattern, the cars leave the starting line by shifting into first gear. (The higher the RPM's, the faster the start).

Premature takeoff will result in a "RED LIGHT" disqualification from the race.

Players then accelerate by twisting right or left and shifting to successively higher gears. Shifting too soon will reduce the car's RPM to the point where it has no torque to accelerate in that gear. At this point, a driver may downshift to increase his RPM's. Each type of car (selected when G? was on the screen) has a different torque curve, so optimum shifting points differ with each type of car.

Upon entering the final lap, a 'finish line' appears to the right of the screen and upon crossing it the cars' motion ceases.

If the car was the first to cross the finish line, it is declared the winner. If both cars cross at the same time, they are both declared winners.

The elapsed time counter can only count up to 25.5 seconds. If either car takes longer than 25.5 seconds to complete the race, an 'OT' (overtime) message of 25.5 seconds will be displayed after he crosses the finish line. If both cars take longer than 25.5 seconds to finish the race, both cars will be declared winners and the overtime messages will be displayed for both cars.


At the end of the race, (when neither car is running) the winner(s) receive one point for crossing the finish line first. The total points for each player are displayed at the screen bottom along with each player's 'ET' (elapsed time) if the cars crossed in under 25.5 seconds. Taking more than 25.5 secons to cross the finish line will result in the overtime message being displayed.

After a race is complete, PULL UP on the hand controller to start a new race with the same variables.

The first player to reach 99 wins the game. When the score reaches 99, the screen will clear and a G? will appear asking you to select a new car type.

The best elapsed time we have seen so far is 7.7--can you beat that?


It's you against the clock in a race to see how fast you ca do seven laps. The best known speed is an elapsed time of 7.7...can you beat that?

Press RESET, then button:

1 for a family sedan. 2 for a modified sedan. 3 for a funny car. 4 for a dragster.

When the M? comes on the screen, press button 4. This gives you the stall mode and lets you play against the clock. The other car will stall after the timing lights have counted down.

When the S? appears on the screen, press button:

1 for no sound 2,3 or 4 for sound


If you have questions about this Videocart(TM)* cartridge or your Video Entertainment System, call the toll free numbers in the back of your console instruction booklet.

Other exciting Videcart cartridge are available from Fairchild dealer, or for information, write:

      Fairchild Consumer Products
          4001 Miranda Avenue
          Palo Alto, CA 94304

*VIDEOCART is a trademark of Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation Copyright(C) 1977 Made in Singapore Printed in U.S.A.

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