Timer Rules
2 years ago


I have a question about the timer, the rules say (at least in Arcade Mode NG+) "Timer starts when the first loading screen begins and ends when the menu appears after completion of the final race" but I can see a couple of runs where the timer starts after the first loading screen and the timer is paused on the loading screen between races.

Is this legit? The rules should be updated and be more specific about it.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Czech Republic

Hello, thanks for finding out. Since I'm last moderator for many games, I usually verify the most critic parts of the runs. Unfortunately, this game isn't popular in speedrunning world so I wasn't too much careful on details like that. I take a look, when I find freetime ofcourse.


Edited by the author 2 years ago
SantiBdo likes this
St. Louis, MO, USA

@CPZXIII I was interested in becoming a moderator to help you manage these leaderboards. I plan on running this game a lot more and I would love to help you.

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New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE

New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE

Recently the number of players has increased and with this the game has become more competitive.

To ensure that the game does not have cheaters using [TAS], the rule "2.1 - Emulator requirements (Mandatory inputs recording)" was added

8 days ago