mountain cross NG+
Just record it and submit, I set the right time :) EDIT: If you just record screen with mobile, you can use something to time it. Some people recording two monitors, one for game and one for "timesplit" (on PC). If you submit your gameplay, I will do the rest and make valid run :)
Edited by the author
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New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE
New rules for PS2 emulator players on PC & SMARTPHONE
Recently the number of players has increased and with this the game has become more competitive.
To ensure that the game does not have cheaters using [TAS], the rule "2.1 - Emulator requirements (Mandatory inputs recording)" was added
Recent runs
Level: Mt. Liddellroch MX
Level: Mt. Quintanaroo MX
Level: Red Pass MX
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