Added to the NES Online app this month, if WiiUVC is allowed and Switch is allowed on other Donkey Kong games then I would really appreciate if it was allowed for DK3 runs, please!
I mean this is the only game that uses "SwitchVC" tag over "Switch" but whatever LUL, all I did was post my run as NES "emu" and then despite the video being kind of obvious with the Switch overlay he asked me to put the emu in descrip so I wrote "emulator: Nintendo Switch". He then verified it as: SwitchVC "emu" so I've re-submitted it as SwitchVC because I'm not emulating the Switch's NES app cause how dumb would that be?
@captainspeedruns do a WiiVC run now
I talked about this with the admins, and i think WiiUVC replaced WiiVC but they're considered the same. Switch and SwitchVC are both there because they first added Switch, then we created SwitchVC, although i don't think it's necessary to have both.
If you could go into mine and @Lugia2468 runs and edit the platform to Switch then that would be appreciated as currently we are without a platform, then i will finally be quiet Kappa