Ruling Change
Ruling Change
Posted 2 years ago by

As of today, the timing for when runs end will be when the virus counter on the last level of that category hits 0. This was done because it is a much clearer indicator of when the last virus is cleared, rather than when the actual last virus is cleared.

It can sometimes be hard to determine exactly "when the last virus is cleared* when using the old timing end. Does the timing stop immediately when you slam the last pill onto the virus and it begins to clear? Does the timing stop when all of the colors that matched that virus are cleared?

When using this new timing, I have found that it is a much better indicator that there are zero viruses left and it is a much clearer way of timing the end of the run.

Please let me know what you guys think :)

Lead moderator, Razorflamekun

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Individual Level Leaderboards now available!

As of 4/20/22, IL leaderboards for the Classic game mode are now available!

While I'm not sure how active these will be, I decided to introduce them as another way of speedrunning this game if you don't have a lot of time to run the full game categories.

That being said, this will put a lot of

2 years ago
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