kniferun3 years ago

The magnum in re3r was allowed. So who knows.

I use the knife on the boxes as i am pretty sure youre prompted to use the knife on them even if you dont have the knife so why not? Will you have to reset if you accidently press the prompt?

The only thing i do that i would think may need to be changed is using a pipe bomb for red chimney skip. I dont use pipe bombs on factory doors but i was thinking of it. May be needed in higher difficulties. A lot of wasted ammo on them and moreau gates. Like 50 bullets.

Using capacity upgrades on lemi will help the waste if upgrades are allowed.

kniferun3 years ago

If upgrades were allowed and maybe throw in the magnum other difficulties may be possible. Highly doubt any other difficulty is possible with the rules ive been using below

Been running casual new game no merchant handgun only(lemi and m19 and the single upgrade you find for each)

Mirandas section drops random handgun ammo. Quite a bit on casual anyway and The final part of her fight is free(wrapped in tenticles.) You need zero ammo leading into it.

kniferun3 years ago

Really wish you could discard guns and such. Being forced to keep the lemi is quite annoying. Adds some fun yet frustrating inventory management.

Been running no merchant hand gun(lemi m19) only just to avoid the annoyance.

Was going lemi sniper and wolfsbane. Need to do some checking for magnum rounds since i only use 6. I know theres more.

Either way fun but doesnt have the same impact as re4 no merchant without the option to use rockets in general.

FI3RY gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

Watch the latest mike wave guide in guides? He says to set it to zero let it run 15 seconds and set it to zero again. Which im guessing kills this problem as he shows after.

kniferun3 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. Would have to show inventory.

kniferun3 years ago

Console does not have a tool to simply reset in game time any where.(which is the main if not only reason console wont see a no intro category) It would have to be timed real time. Which would open a whole different can of worms for PC runs(real time opposed to in game time. I would guess skipping cutscenes would also be ideal to keep the rhythm.)

kniferun3 years ago

Not to mention they can use this category as practise with a leaderboard(competition/motivation). In the future return to the vanilla cat and better their times. The vanilla cats will still be the real cats. No intro will be misc even if it isnt put there.

kniferun3 years ago

In game time. Real time isnt needed.

kniferun3 years ago

During the walkie talkie "cutscenes" in re3r. Based on fps.

kniferun3 years ago

Stable FPS and sound.

kniferun3 years ago

All consoles are the same resolution now. Xbox one x was 4k at launch but was patched down to match other consoles at 1080 since its 4k FPS was dragging below base xbox 1080 FPS. Base xbox is the worst console for FPS. Base ps4 is closer to ps4pro and xbox one x on the other hand. ps4pro probably tops all.

DIABLERIE gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

unfortunately patches bring more problems. Usually the actual fixes are noticeable though.

kniferun4 years ago

Probably just being impatient but will assisted/standard be separated?

kniferun4 years ago

I would advice to possibly participate in a current category as there's not much competition beyond assisted. Hopefully an inferno category is added, but there hasnt been much competition beyond assisted.

kniferun4 years ago

to be fair the unlimited mup would be my last choice when it comes to all handguns if they were all allowed. the only upside is the unlimited ammo. its the weakest out of all of them even unupgraded g19 is a better choice. like I would use the g19 until I ran out of ammo and grab the mup just before nemmy 2 fight probably. If ng+ items are allowed mup should be the first option to be allowed since its basically an unlimited g19 unupgraded. Where I would sit it in stats anyways. Wish I had SRT mainly to see how accurate that assumption is and to see how much DA it adds if any.( If it adds no DA then its really weak, weakest of all handguns.)

kniferun4 years ago

Should probably try to avoid NG+ by using NG items instead of using NG+ items to avoid NG. Just my opinion extended categories like handgun only or knife only should be ran NG not NG+ if possible.

kniferun4 years ago

Didnt need to be in rules. Console runs exist.

kniferun4 years ago

I would guess any allowances would/should be run wide. Its okay to allow things in hardcore or above. We are talking about speed after all, not challenge. I still say hardcore should be given the samurais edge beginning to end minimum. You still get the fun of routing ammo and added damage to make it less of a burden.

Issue for me is doing any run in single segment/deathless outside of assisted. Beating it is one thing, single segment is another.

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