kniferun2 years ago

The biggest issue with handgun only on HC and VoS is the allowance of the laser in Chris' section. There isnt enough handgun ammo.

Im for allowing the laser as Chris' section feels like a DLC any ways.

Casual can be done no duke. Of course the drops from miranda are huge. HC and VoS need duke to have the ammo needed. If it was possible to give casual and HC/VoS 2 different rules like knife only would be nice.

Casual really doesnt need duke or magnum and can still be relatively fast and interesting. I believe PC runs will be faster no duke on casual any ways.

kniferun2 years ago

Will the categories available remain casual, hardcore and VoS?

Only thing not mentioned here is some variation of HG only

kniferun2 years ago

If you are playing on casual. My no merchant runs were a lot longer compared to my no merchant handgun only runs.

Of course if you are running higher difficulties this is a different story.

However in casual using handgun for majority of the run and throwing in some weapons that make certain areas faster may be a better bet.

FI3RY gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

If you can use the laser you should be able to use as you wish. Not a limit. Forcing a restart point for PC or complete reset for console isnt ideal.

Its still knife only when Allowing a stronger knife in harder difficulties. Using the laser is different.

kniferun3 years ago

The issue with anything beyond casual is chris. All depends on whats allowed to be used during his section. True HG only? Doubt beyond casual is possible.

Also i assume the difficulties in this category will work the same as all other categories so there will be no standard.

kniferun3 years ago

By less accurate i mean more lasers will be needed to finish him off due to wasted ammo. Not really a difficulty thing but aiming is rough.

In a knife only run when clearing the path to cave you cant hit tentacles. I was just thinking out loud that the rule is unneeded due to it affecting nothing afaik. Will be a thing to think about in HG only later though.

kniferun3 years ago

Would have to allow unlimited use of the laser. Controller is much less accurate.

Talking about laser the 3 lasers you gotta hit the house with should also be free to aim any where in knife only. Afaik it changes nothing.

kniferun3 years ago

Unfortunately new game will only be casual. Chris' section cant be done on HC or VoS unless ofcourse non handgun only things are allowed to deal damage. Explosives, laser ect.

Of course ng+ infinite ammo would be possible on HC or VoS on the other hand.

Would say new game casual. NG+ for HC or VoS no casual but thats just me.

Been running HG only exclusively on casual lately. I barely have ammo left over with chris so i didnt bother with any other difficulty and only interesting in new game.

Exclusively use lemi and m19+upgrades tried v61 but m19 outshined IMO(fire rate makes up for the loss of damage in the areas post v61 unlock). Use pipe bombs on doors and red chimney skip. And knife on boxes.(its a prompt)

Figure the rules should be the same as knife only except only the handgun can break knifes out challenge.

actuallywill gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

Rta would be more pay to win for consoles as there would be no reason to pause during certain areas that help to load

Capcom changed where the igt would or wouldnt pause and there wasnt many places that had hidden loads in previous REs if any. The inventory and duke igt pause is a big issue as well.

For PC a timer was made that was more like the previous RE igt as well as other pauses console obviously cant get. It seems to be a mix of RE4 load remover and the old in game timer for REs like re2r or re3r.

If the igt didnt pause during duke or inventory and did pause during cutscenes. Im sure igt would be used for both PC and console

kniferun3 years ago

If you are console you cant die because the timer resets which is a nono. Because you could just die or restart until you get the area perfect or close to. So its not allowed on console. Restarts after a certain time or deaths at all.

PC is allowed because of load remover timer also continues time on death and pause timer during parts like cutscenes like it use to.

So PC you can die or restart. Console you cant.

Also pausing or entering inventory is a way to buffer loads so game time is paused but the game still loads. More useful on consoles and older the console the longer you have to pause.

Edit: Also would like to add you can restart for tactical reasons on console. You cant engage an area. Make an error and restart though.

LeonShredfield gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

A handgun only run will never turn into a knife only run in revillage. Especially if we keep it base knife.

Im down with it not being allowed, but the base knife is so weak(how weak is it?) noone will use it over handgun unless its strategic.

kniferun3 years ago

I was thinking The rules should be as simple as knife only rules except the only damage that can counts towards knife out failure is handgun.

Knife is whatever. Boxes doors ect is fine. But thats debatable. It could allow other difficulties to be done. And obviously the handgun is the quicker choice. So knife would be used secondary. would keep true to the rule of handgun damage being the only thing that breaks knifes out.

You should be able to craft/buy any thing as long as using it keeps you within the rules. Limiting those options when they are open makes no sense.

kniferun3 years ago

I didnt think chris' section would be possible handgun only in VoS. Its barely possible on standard.

Still dont see how using explosives to deal damage in handgun only makes sense. Especially if magnum isnt(technically a handgun) i dont use it but makes more sense.

Because of chris' section ive been running casual.

I use the two handguns you find. Knife on boxes which isnt needed if merchant and upgrades are an option and 2 pipe bombs. 1 on wall and 1 for red chimney skip. Should start using more pipe bombs on factory doors and moreau walls though. And try v61. figured m19s a better option.

Xxcilo gefällt das.
kniferun3 years ago

Would think explosives wouldnt be allowed(however used in the same way as in a knife only run) defeats the purpose of handgun only. Using the magnum makes more sense.

But if they are allowed. If you can use the merchant(upgrades) you should be able to buy explosives.

kniferun3 years ago

If anyone can get through chris' section handgun only beyond standard please post about it here. No knife.

kniferun3 years ago

NG+ would be the same as NG. Except youd farm drops i guess? Weird.

kniferun3 years ago

I thought it was odd the magnum was allowed in RE3R. I didnt think of using it until it was official.

So far this game until recently i was running no merchant no magnum. I dont really think upgrades should be allowed either. On PC it will probably be slower upgrading unless your quick. Im saving 2 mins on console upgrading.

I still believe Chris' part will kill hardcore+

kniferun3 years ago

It would be the more competitive, active compared to butter knife. It will most likely kill butter knife when its added. Due to this it should be the main knife only category not an extended category.

I predict once karambit is open butterknife boards will be frozen in time. Maybe I will be wrong.

kniferun3 years ago

It was argued in past RE games that the magnum is technically a handgun. Which passed in re3r.

Also its normal to use the weaker pistol until the more powerful pistol is available which in this games case. Use the lemi until you get the m19.

Of course its a different time.

kniferun3 years ago

I believe chris' section will be the wall on difficulties beyond casual. Even for ng+.

From the handgun only hardcore ive ran everything takes more then double the ammo on hardcore. I dont think i can obtain more than double the ammo for urias2 for hardcore.

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