Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

How does This sunday, the 9th, sound at 5 pm est?

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Any suggestions on when? I can do sundays after 1 pm est and monday through Wednesday after 6 pm est.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

If anyone is intested, ziskal was mentioning that we have the all missions time down to 3 hours and that we could now feasibly race it. If you are intrested, please post a reply to this thread stating you are intrested. Also, this does not have to be all missions and could be any catagory. Thank you for you patience and please let us knkw what yah think.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Those ILs now reside in a special place where they can graze and wander about till their heart's content.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

For right now, it will probably be singleplayer unless we have a lot of people interested in doing co-op. My thing with that is that it only makes the boss more trivial but we can wait and see. If you like, you can try a co-op run and see how it goes. As it stands for right now, it will be singleplayer. Thank you for asking though, I kind of forgot about that :}

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Mavik, please contact me whenever you get a chance on Discord please. I do apologize but you have not been around and I was wondering what was up.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

I can add one temporarily but I will try to talk to Mavik about it before hand. You can hopefully see a category up for Co-op by the weekend but I have no idea as to it. If you do have any Co-op runs, I know that Rainbow's Cop-op run was accepted in the "All Missions" Category but I do not know about any of the IL categories. Thank you for your patience and I will try my best on adding more needed categories.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

The ILs have been updated. They now only require that you finish the Boss Missions. Please let me know if the rules are missing anything or if they are not clear. I thank you for your patience on this matter and please reply when ever possible.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Please let us know when you have a video up, I know a few people are interested in it.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

https://discord.gg/6DqPQPb This link will take you to the Discord I have set up for this community. I hope that this will let us communicate with greater ease as well as faster feed back, at least for our researchers. When you first join, you will be able to join all channels except for the Mods Office. If you would like any powers over the research or runners channels, please let me or Mavik know and we will work with you on that. Thank you for your patience and I will see you there!

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

No problem, whatever you can do helps just do not neglect your school work.

SpeediestMoon1 gefällt das.
Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Hey, Ziskal, I do apologize for contacting you here but when you get a chance, I need to talk to you about your run. I will be in the discord for the rest of the night for me. The link for Discord is in the Discord? thread. If you can not use it, please let me know. Thank you for your patience.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

https://discord.gg/6DqPQPb This link should get you into the Discord. I do apologize for going ahead with this but I currently have not really way to get into contact with anyone in a timely or private way and if this needs to be changed, we can. In the end, if we do go with this, I will add it to either the resources or guide page. I thank you guys for your patience and I thank you SpeediestMoon on your comment and I will strive to ensure that this community stays good.

SpeediestMoon1 gefällt das.
Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

There is non as far as I know. I like the one on the desktop but that is convince sake.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

I have found that mechs are really nice as are crew man but I fear those would be undesirable detours in a speedrun.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

That is for another thread but from looking elsewhere, It may be for software tools and the such. Speedrunning tips are usually held under the guide section.

SpeediestMoon1 gefällt das.
Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Ok, I feel you on the headset situation. I will wait then a till tomorrow to see if anyone or Mavik is apposed to this but I will go a head and look into making a Discord channel.

SpeediestMoon1 gefällt das.
Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

Yeah, I forgot about the tech. I have tried running a little without the tech but it is very rope heavy. I just wish that the tech cards were not so hard to find and that each tech did not cost 8 tech cards. The sonic ball looks handy and I know rocket jump and sprint can be handy. Nice runs by the way.

Thread: Starbound
Florida, USAjohnboy9898987 years ago

My problem with Skype is that it is on per call basis and even though you can make a group call, if a lot of people are active it can get hectic. I was nominating Discord because of the fact that you can drop in and out with out disruption others, make multiple group channels, and that you can use it either in browser or desktop. I do understand though if you can not use it. If it were to come to it. we could work something out so that way you only had to use Skype or so that much of what is discussed is posted on the forums.

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